Cockney Latic, in conjunction with Wigan Athletic’s main sponsors 188BET, is giving away a pair of tickets everday from Sunday to Wednesday this week…. for the game against Birmingham City at the DW Stadium on Saturday.

Click here to go to the 188bet site 188BET, in association with Cockney Latic, is offering you the chance to win match tickets to the Barclays Premier League game v Birmingham City on the 19th March 2011.

This is a crunch game for both teams and with Latics hopefully revitalised after their training camp in La Manga, we should be be fresh for the visit of Birmingham City.

With the magnitude of the game, the Club is hoping that the Wigan public will turn out and cheer the boys on this weekend and we are doing our part along with 188BET to give you the chance to add your voice to the crowd.

As proud sponsors of Wigan Athletic, inplay betting specialists 188BET have 4 pairs of tickets up for grabs for the readers of Cockney Latic.

Don’t forget to take a look on the Moments in Time web site, purpose built for the football fan by 188BET, plus have a free bet by following the promo link below.

To win, all you have to do is answer the following question by email, to before the closing date of 1.00 p.m. on Wednesdfay 16th March 2011. Please use Birmingham City Comp as the subject in your email and also provide a contact number.

The winners will be drawn at random from all the correct entries and will be notified via the email address the answer was sent in on. The first winner will be drawn at 1.00 p.m. on Sunday 13th March and then one each day at the same time until all four pairs have been won by Wednesday. To clarify, a draw will take place from all the correct entries, you will not have to re-enter every day, at 1.00 p.m. on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.

The Question: What was the score in the game aganist Birmingham at St Andrews earlier this season?

For more information visit: and to obtain a free £25 bet go to

Please visit our new website, Moments in Time where have undertaken the search for football’s most memorable game-changing moments.

To have the chance of winning simply enter this competition .


The ‘prize’ is a pair of tickets to the Barclays Premier League game against Birmingham on 16th March 2011
The ‘prize’ does not include travel to and from the stadium
The prizewinner and their guest must agree to abide by the Stadium rules at all times
The prizewinner is responsible for the behavior of their guest
Failure to adhere to the rules may result in the tickets being withdrawn
There is no cash alternative
The prize is non-transferable

Click here to go to the 188BET site.

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We are always looking for fans whi wish to put new articles on the site, whether they are one offs, or if they become a regular feature. If you’re interested, send your details or articles to us and we will publish them or get in touch.

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