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    Guess the Gate Competition 2023/24

    Matchday 1 versus Northampton Town Saturday 12th August 3.00pm kick off .

    Just over 2 days to go until the 11.00pm cut off on Friday evening, hurry up and get your predictions in.

    20 predictions so far –

    GSM – 11874
    horc – 10819
    alharry – 10750
    rumjocky – 10678
    LaticssinceCL – 10500
    jocklatic – 10420
    pemblbue 1932 – 10232
    jrfatfan – 10167
    runcorn1978 – 10080
    Scholes controls – 10050
    Edwards – 9999
    DRAGNET – 9854
    jonnysking – 9579
    Roy Race (DC) – 9521
    ZAKKY – 9237
    Tenfut – 9216
    Martinez1986 – 9000
    jeffs right – 8763
    walgarthjohn – 8367
    OTBAW – 8124