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    I lost count how many times McManaman got the ball and rather than push it or 1 – 2 with someone he simply turned and gave it back. That to me is a player who doesn’t have the legs anymore.
    Granted he did get past the defender for a shot at goal so how slow was that Burton defender which was a ticket to run with the ball. He should be an impact player brought on to go past tired L1 players.

    Its a far far cry from the Derby and Bolton wins which I put down to too much tinkering which is killing us. This Liam Shaw for instance, 11 weeks and that his first league start, how unfit is he ?. Granted he didn’t have a pre season but come on he’s a pro footballer what’s he been doing ?, Netflix and Go Eat ?.

    We are a shambles at the minute, we’ve a manager hell bent on trying to please every player at the club, loan players who I’ve no doubt have contract clauses “minutes to play” and senior players to keep happy. Humphrys had been playing well then since his spat he’s out.

    I said at the beginning of the season that I wasn’t sure Maloney (similar to Caldwell ex player syndrome) he has the experience to bring together virtually a new team and instantly gell it.

    There’s no adhesion, no structure, no pattern to our play and we have a defence leaking goals for fun.

    Me? while Wyke was out I would have thrown Stones up front and said “Show me what you got” then when he knackered himself out bring Magennis on. So all this youth bullsh*t has clearly gone out the window with only 1 youth player regular starting.

    Should not start , period. Go 4 at the back and stick Shaw in front as a holding mid similar to Naylor’s role to support the back line. No1 priority right now has to be stop leaking goals currently it’s 2 a game.

    But the one thing I’d put an end to is, the passing along the back 20 times then the foot on a stopped ball, look up, short dink to wideman who inturn gives it back then the defender lobs a Hail Mary into the corner,

    Maloney, it doesn’t work and it doesn’t suit us it needs to end. Get the video out from the Bolton Derby games Were we all got back and broke with pace and in numbers using width as well as straight at the oppositions jugular.

    Seriously though, if we carry on with this mishmash of football we’ll struggle to stay in L1. He has to

    stop trying to please every player,
    come up with a style of play,
    Stop lobbing 40 yard crossfield balls,
    And my pet hate is:

    Every pass we hit is to feet rarely do you see a clever daisy cutter someone can turn and run on to, a simple pass into space so a player can run onto it without the ball having to visit the moon first.

    The majority of our passing is to feet I know it sounds stupid my remark but every now and then a little slipped through ball into space for someone to get in behind and run on to would be nice.
    We did it early season but now ? even the Hail Mary’s are aimed to feet