Reply To: Burton…

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MR BrownbillMR Brownbill

    Keep repeating it but he constantly changing the team depending on the opposition. Over analytical. As against Derby/Bolton let teams worry about us. I really want Shaun to be a success but starting to doubt after that dross . If we can’t get crosses in from wide the dont play Magennis. I couldn’t give a toss what a leader he is on the training ground, or dressing room it’s on the pitch that matters and last night he was no use to us.The teams whole performance, Maloney’s selection,/tactics is concerning…….keep hoping things will click again but ffs… was Burton and he set us up as if it was a top 6 side. Stevenage????….Anyone’s guess what his 11 will be….f###### if I know!!….probably f###### if he knows….