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    1-0 win both sides are struggling hopefully Wykes back in and I only say that because, something’s better than nothing.
    I just don’t get us, we’re struggling like f*ck with injuries,missing players and form and we can’t hit a barn door from 10 feet so what do we do? we let a young hungry forward go out on loan who then inturn scores a few and sets up a few.
    What would have been a better way to gain experience and get those minutes than utilise him over the busy Christmas period say half a game here and there with us especially under the clubs current circumstances playing sh*t and player injuries. I can’t imagine any other club who’d do that. We played against Derby for me without a forward FFS, it doesn’t make sense.

    Again, I just don’t get it similar to Richardson with Hughes. He’d probably be on loan right now had Toure not given him his chance