Reply To: EFL Bull@@@@…

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MR BrownbillMR Brownbill

    I also emailed them requesting clarification on the transfer embargo….asking for information regarding which ,(if any) clubs are presently subject to one. ….I accessed the link provided but it states “There are currently no clubs under embargo”..!!!…….This is their reply…..”RE: Transfer Embargos

    Thank you for your e-mail, we appreciate you getting in touch.

    The EFL has an embargo reporting service on its website HERE, which outlines Clubs who are currently under an embargo and provides an embargo FAQ here.

    In addition, EFL Clubs agreed at the Summar AGM earlier this year, that the non-payment of HMRC debt has been added as a trigger of Regulation 52.6, so Clubs who accumulate 30 days of late payments in a 12-month period will be unable to sign a player for a fee or any consideration for three full transfer windows. The amendment to the 30-Day Rule also provides for Clubs to self-report late payment of any debt covered by Regulation 52.6, plus a right of appeal for Clubs triggering the 30-Day Rule. Regulations 17.1 and 17.3 can be accessed via the website here.

    We are not able to comment any further on specific Clubs or the length of time they may or may not be subject to an embargo. We would recommend you contact the relevant Club if you wish to seek further information.

    Thank you for contacting the EFL.”

    Kind Regards