Reply To: Exeter at home. Awful.

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    Does any of the clubs hierarchy actually go to matches on a regular basis? I don’t think they do otherwise they would realise the shit being served up, I know they where out in force for the United game even Danson attended.

    If any of them did attend then Maloney would have been out of the door before Christmas, they are obviously not football people they probably look at the league table once a week and think we are doing ok, these people don’t have WAFC at heart.

    VAT summed it up, the club is a shit show from top to bottom, Maloney in his post match interview said he “won’t be changing the style of play” Thanks for the heads up Shaun that’ll save me a few quid on a season ticket next season! And I won’t be on my own either.

    The style of football we played under Leam Richardson was far worse. You can see what Maloney is trying to do. We have to be patient , this season is all about staying up. Let’s judge him at the end of next season where , hopefully , he will have some money to spend ,it will be his squad and he will have no excuses.

    Well I wont be there. Even considering the thought of enduring another season of this turgid shite Maloney is getting them churning out, nah I’ll walk away first.

    Fans dropping off rapidly…can see each home game. Danson is going to have to make a call soon, and Im not joking. Come the summer and suchlikes as Magennis, Pearce, Wyke, Jones, Amos will be going/have to go. What will Danson do, will he chuck some money at Maloney ir whoever is manager? I doubt it. We will be looking at freebies and loans again…more hasbeens and never will be signings. Plus, we’ll probably lose Tickle and Hughes. So will be a lot weaker.

    Nah, either run the club properly, sensibly, but also realistically, or don’t bother. I still think that if Danson doesn’t back Maloney or whoever is manager in the summer, we could easily go the way of Oldham and Rochdale and slip into Non League.

    And I doubt very much they’ll sack Maloney anyway because no other manager, or at least any with any self respect, would come and work under the constraints theyd be under.