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    Yep, he’s clueless.

    We’ve a shit manager…again.

    Clever appointment though, although wasn’t he a Bahraini appointment? Yep, then Danson kept him on. Why? I’ll tell you. He has history with us. Corner in cup final for the goal, goal v United, etc. All this means a lot of our support will give him extra leaway if results don’t go right. And thats exactly what’s happening. The likes of Deb C etc coming out on Twitter etc and suggesting he should be supported whatever happens…BOLLOCKS. in fact, DOUBLE BOLLOCKS!!!

    Might be a clichè, but it IS and always has been, a results business. Not only have results not been good enough, this ‘brand’ of football is, and I think I’m right to sat this, shite. Its not entertaining and at the end of the day that’s what we want. Entertainment.

    Goode? A mind boggling signing. We didn’t need Rekik…he went back, we didn’t need Goode. A journeyman centre back? Nah, we needed some steel in midfield.
    Maloneys whole thing as a manager is mind boggling. He’s shite…we arent going to progress with him in charge.
    I predict a 5k crowd on next Friday night. There was a lot less than the given figure, last Saturday.