Reply To: Bolton…

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    A fantastic result and a hard fought performance agree but going forward ? we have to improve because we basically had nothing going forward (bar 5 mad mins) all night.

    As for the goal? brilliantly taken by Humphrys but how good is that Chambers ?, the vision and killer ball for the goal. Don’t you just wish he was a Wigan player permanently.

    I’ve a feeling some other club will strike gold if he’s loaned out again next season because I’m sure he’ll go on to bigger and better things in the long run.

    Just on the subject of the empty seats in the South Stand,

    We could have closed that Stand and comfortably housed them all in the East and West which is sad really considering who we played.

    Surely filling seats with cheaper deals is far far better than dear empty seats. The club must look into last minute tickets or family deals for that stand to entice fans back.

    How’d they’d price it?, I’m not sure but that’s for those marketing guru’s to suss out and get right but that stand needs filling.