Reply To: Do, Do, Do, the Shaun Baloney

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cup winnerscup winners

    I don’t want him sacked and I don’t think that will happen but his form against lower sides and his remarks regarding the game sends the alarm bells ringing.
    I hope he can turn it around I truly do. The thing is, I don’t hear much individual player criticism so out the current squad (bar 2-3 players) most fans are happy with them.
    So, if that’s the case and the players are individually very good at L1 level how will a new crop of players improve things if the current lot are individually decent players ?.

    The summer will be very interesting that’s for sure. Lots will be leaving due to end of contracts, wage restrictions,and loans going back and possibly Hughes Tickle moving on so Maloney will have a nigh impossible job of building a whole new squad and on a very tight budget.

    There’s no way Danson will be splashing the cash, most of next seasons budgets already gone on Bevan French

    • This reply was modified 3 months, 3 weeks ago by cup winnerscup winners.