Do, Do, Do, the Shaun Baloney

Forums Latics Crazy Forum Do, Do, Do, the Shaun Baloney

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    I suggest a new song, sung to the Goodies “Funky Gibbon”.
    I’ve created the title; now we need some lyricist to fill in the chorus !

    Why Baloney, you ask ?
    If you don’t know the answer, you have obviously not listened to his post match interview at Cambridge.


      Off topic, but it proper boils my piss when the dickheads in ES2 sing ‘Do the Shaun Maloney’ do they understand what football is about and how shit we are or are they just out for a piss up with their mates? 🤬

      Fuck the EFL

      cup winnerscup winners

        I don’t mind getting behind the manager I’d sooner have them singing than becoming Evertonians and boo’ing.

        Deep down there’s not one Latics fan who doesn’t want him to succeed at Wigan and build a side and style we all can enjoy but the truth is, his brand and style of football is poor very poor.

        I just hope he can turn it round because he’s here for the duration but what recently worried me more than anything was his post match comments after Cambridge which cast major doubts in my mind as to his ability to manage any side not just Wigan


          Some people had a moan when he took over in Jan 23 and said lets judge SM after his first season.

          He’s now had a full season and nothings changed so time to go.

          Fuck the EFL


            Some people had a moan when he took over in Jan 23 and said lets judge SM after his first season.

            He’s now had a full season and nothings changed so time to go.

            Who would you go for Bullitt ?


              Some people had a moan when he took over in Jan 23 and said lets judge SM after his first season.

              He’s now had a full season and nothings changed so time to go.

              Who would you go for Bullitt ?

              No point going for a well known manager Danson wont stump up.

              Someone like Mike Williamson at MK Dons would be worth a punt, that said he may be too ambitious for Danson.

              • This reply was modified 3 months, 3 weeks ago by BullittBullitt.

              Fuck the EFL


                Whoever he asks for Phoenix he will be screaming for him to be sacked half way through the season!!!

                Some fans are just fans so they can moan. Don’t hear a chirp from them when we win


                  Whoever he asks for Phoenix he will be screaming for him to be sacked half way through the season!!!

                  Some fans are just fans so they can moan. Don’t hear a chirp from them when we win

                  You do from me, its the way we win thats concerning, a smash and grab doesn’t fill me with confidence.

                  Fuck the EFL

                  cup winnerscup winners

                    I don’t want him sacked and I don’t think that will happen but his form against lower sides and his remarks regarding the game sends the alarm bells ringing.
                    I hope he can turn it around I truly do. The thing is, I don’t hear much individual player criticism so out the current squad (bar 2-3 players) most fans are happy with them.
                    So, if that’s the case and the players are individually very good at L1 level how will a new crop of players improve things if the current lot are individually decent players ?.

                    The summer will be very interesting that’s for sure. Lots will be leaving due to end of contracts, wage restrictions,and loans going back and possibly Hughes Tickle moving on so Maloney will have a nigh impossible job of building a whole new squad and on a very tight budget.

                    There’s no way Danson will be splashing the cash, most of next seasons budgets already gone on Bevan French

                    • This reply was modified 3 months, 3 weeks ago by cup winnerscup winners.

                      There’s no way Danson will be splashing the cash, most of next seasons budgets already gone on Bevan French

                      And the rest of the fuckin’ Worriers squad, best squad they’ve had in 10 years, who’s funded that?

                      • This reply was modified 3 months, 3 weeks ago by BullittBullitt.

                      Fuck the EFL

                      cup winnerscup winners

                        Looking at the bottom 6 to 8 clubs in the championship he better undo the side zipper on his purse and use the big coins.

                        No matter which teams 3 come down next years League One will be by far the toughest ever L1. There are clubs amongst that bottom 8 who aren’t rolling in the dosh but their certainly not skint.

                        And to whoever goes up, God help ya!! your Chairman will over the moon till the transfer window opens and players start knocking for more money.

                        I heard a Leeds fan say the other day

                        “I love the Championship but the downside is, if you do really well you go up”


                          Well it’ll be a very dangerous game for the club to play if all they do is look to pick up freebies and loans again.
                          The ST sales are going to drop. A lot of ST holders this season haven’t been coming to games, the odd game here and there. I reckon they’ll drop by a couple of thousand next season. The football that’s been on offer and looks like still being on offer next season, is hardly exciting and not going to attract people.
                          I’m not renewing and I’ve had a ST since 1986. I just can’t bring myself to commit again to every home game. Truth us, I’ve lost interest and don’t really enjoy going anymore. I know we’ve had a bad time with ownerships and all that, but this apparent ‘lack of ambition’ and the belief that Danson etc will be happy to just see us tick along as a mid table ‘also can’t League one club…sorry, I can’t go along with that.

                          It works both ways. If some sensible investment is made to strengthen and we are a team pushing for around the play offs and above, that’s going to attract more people to games. Ultimately, if we then got promoted to the Championship, the majority of teams will come and bring 4 or 5 thousand away fans. More income. We keep being told we need to be run sensibly and efficiently, but we need buns on seats to do that and with how things are, thats not going to happen. Some ambition is going to have to be shown. This season we’ve been done over by some really mediocre sides, nothing sides who’ve come and beat us. Stevenage being an example. Support has dropped this season and it will drop again.


                            Also Ran, it’s should say. As in an also ran club


                              In a nutshell VAT build a squad sensibly that can challenge for top six then run the club sustainably.

                              That little bit of investment will definitely make the difference.

                              Edit….The only sticking point is the manager, will he play to the new squads strengths or will he force that tippy tappy shite on to them? If he does then back to square one.

                              • This reply was modified 3 months, 3 weeks ago by BullittBullitt.

                              Fuck the EFL

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                            Forums Latics Crazy Forum Do, Do, Do, the Shaun Baloney