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    Great timing….season tickets go on sale same time as the cull announcement. Everyone has an opinion on Humphreys….me….doesn’t bode well that Maloney desperate to keep him and Magennis but off they go. Academy butchered……and Kerr,Jones ,Macmanaman still picking the bones out their offers. F@@@ me would love to see what exactly our “sustainable” wage operating costs actually looks like. If we start getting oubid by the likes of Stockport, Burton, Cambridge, Reading etc then we’ll need to find the proverbial bottle/Genie to steer our recruitment. Humps will be one of league 1′ top scorers if he remains in this league…….I for one sorry to see him go….think he is a big loss .

    Brilliant PR work….not.

    Humphreys will likely come back to haunt us. I’d be amazed if Bolton aren’t having a think about getting him on board, as he’s put them to the sword a few times.
    The squad we are now left with is a struggling League Two squad. Unless Maloney is given some backing, he’s going to struggle to get it strong enough. I’m amazed at some players we still have, and it’s a big gamble to see if Stones and Sze can hack it. Sze has never looked the part when he’s come on.
    I think Jones and Kerr will soon be gone and if clubs cone in for Tickle and Hughes, we will be weaker still. And will need to bring in TWO keepers as a priority.

    I wouldn’t like Maloneys job, and win, lose or whatever, that’s why we’re are with him for the long-haul. Nobody else would come in and work with such a situation. No manager worth their salt, anyway. I feel sorry for Maloney.
    Yes, Magennis, I’m glad he’s gone..not being nasty but just stealing a wage for very little back from him. Little bit surprised Luke Brennan has gone, I thought he may have broken into the team.

    Listen, unless by some miraculous thing Maloney ends up being backed or works absolute miracles, forget ‘top 6’. If he thinks that squad is anywhere near the top 6, he’s absolutely deluded. More like Bottom six. He’s just turned a bang average League One squad into a piss poor League Two squad. And in a League One that’s going to contain Birmingham, Huddersfield, and what will be a Rejuvenated Rotherham, as well as moneybags Wrexham and Stockport, if Maloney genuinely thinks this squad with a few cheapo and freebie additions can be in the mix, I’m sorry but he’s more deluded than I thought.

    Definitely NOT renewing. I’ll go to a few choice games over the season, against the aforementioned teams, let’s be honest, tickets are going to be easily available.

    I can’t see anything other than a season of struggle for Latics. Last season was bad enough sitting through it, but next season..nah not for me. ST sales will be down, I’m sure of that.