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  • #203132
    MR BrownbillMR Brownbill

      Great timing….season tickets go on sale same time as the cull announcement. Everyone has an opinion on Humphreys….me….doesn’t bode well that Maloney desperate to keep him and Magennis but off they go. Academy butchered……and Kerr,Jones ,Macmanaman still picking the bones out their offers. F@@@ me would love to see what exactly our “sustainable” wage operating costs actually looks like. If we start getting oubid by the likes of Stockport, Burton, Cambridge, Reading etc then we’ll need to find the proverbial bottle/Genie to steer our recruitment. Humps will be one of league 1′ top scorers if he remains in this league…….I for one sorry to see him go….think he is a big loss .

      cup winnerscup winners

        Wages was the major stumbling block and it needed to be culled asap.As for Humphrys?, for me it was the correct decision.
        I didn’t see enough to warrant a new contract on a similar amount of money which let’s face it, it wouldn’t be peanuts.

        Humphrys blew very hot and cold and at 26 I’m sure he’d be wanting a min 3 year if not 4 year deal on the same kind of money which wouldn’t be good business for us.

        He’s never going to command a decent sell on fee if we ever decided to sell.
        Don’t get me wrong he’s a v.good League One player but at what cost to us ? and if we were to go up ? he’s not Championship level simples.

        Many a week Humphrys would run with the ball and have it taken off him quite easily and he wasn’t the best at tracking back.

        Yes he is a good player but is he worthy of been one of our top earners for the next few years ?, for me most definitely not.

        As mentioned, who will we get ?. Well the market place is a far better place right now for lower league clubs.

        Good lower league players are no longer able to command the stupid wages in today’s financial climate like they did 2-3 years ago basically due to the fact that most clubs have had to cut their cloth to suit or go out of business and were no different.

        Those 5 released playerst will save us roughly £2.5million+ a year in wages that’s the equivalent to 10 players on £5k a week. I’m sure we can find some half decent young hungry players with hopefully good sell on potential.

        My only real shock was the dessimation of the young lads some were so called half decent prospects but that doesn’t seem to be the case.
        I think J.Jones will be the next to go along with Kerr again wages and bonuses we can I’ll afford been the stumbling block.
        As for Magennis ? thank the Lord he’s gone. Between us and Bolton he played 150 games scoring 19 times, 12 goals in 95 games for us which simply isn’t good enough for the money he was on. I’d sooner give Stones a go and try bring someone in as cover.

        A m8 just said Max Powers a free agent and I think that would be a clever signing in this league experience we desperately need at this level.

        Now it’s down to Danson now the decks are cleared and him and Maloney need to thrash out a signing on fee budget and a wages budget. If Maloney’s not given enough funds to build a squad over the next 2 windows (especially this summer) then I’m afraid he won’t even make the 2nd window it’s all important we sign not just an army of loanees as they all have to go back.

        This is were we need the correct scouting setup built asap. Our scouting system is non existent. If we don’t get that right and with little money on the table then get ready for a min 5 year stay in League One.

        You can’t take it with you Danson we all go in the same box you know

        • This reply was modified 2 months, 2 weeks ago by cup winnerscup winners.
        • This reply was modified 2 months, 2 weeks ago by cup winnerscup winners.

        Well said CW :good: :good: :good:


          Great timing….season tickets go on sale same time as the cull announcement. Everyone has an opinion on Humphreys….me….doesn’t bode well that Maloney desperate to keep him and Magennis but off they go. Academy butchered……and Kerr,Jones ,Macmanaman still picking the bones out their offers. F@@@ me would love to see what exactly our “sustainable” wage operating costs actually looks like. If we start getting oubid by the likes of Stockport, Burton, Cambridge, Reading etc then we’ll need to find the proverbial bottle/Genie to steer our recruitment. Humps will be one of league 1′ top scorers if he remains in this league…….I for one sorry to see him go….think he is a big loss .

          Brilliant PR work….not.

          Humphreys will likely come back to haunt us. I’d be amazed if Bolton aren’t having a think about getting him on board, as he’s put them to the sword a few times.
          The squad we are now left with is a struggling League Two squad. Unless Maloney is given some backing, he’s going to struggle to get it strong enough. I’m amazed at some players we still have, and it’s a big gamble to see if Stones and Sze can hack it. Sze has never looked the part when he’s come on.
          I think Jones and Kerr will soon be gone and if clubs cone in for Tickle and Hughes, we will be weaker still. And will need to bring in TWO keepers as a priority.

          I wouldn’t like Maloneys job, and win, lose or whatever, that’s why we’re are with him for the long-haul. Nobody else would come in and work with such a situation. No manager worth their salt, anyway. I feel sorry for Maloney.
          Yes, Magennis, I’m glad he’s gone..not being nasty but just stealing a wage for very little back from him. Little bit surprised Luke Brennan has gone, I thought he may have broken into the team.

          Listen, unless by some miraculous thing Maloney ends up being backed or works absolute miracles, forget ‘top 6’. If he thinks that squad is anywhere near the top 6, he’s absolutely deluded. More like Bottom six. He’s just turned a bang average League One squad into a piss poor League Two squad. And in a League One that’s going to contain Birmingham, Huddersfield, and what will be a Rejuvenated Rotherham, as well as moneybags Wrexham and Stockport, if Maloney genuinely thinks this squad with a few cheapo and freebie additions can be in the mix, I’m sorry but he’s more deluded than I thought.

          Definitely NOT renewing. I’ll go to a few choice games over the season, against the aforementioned teams, let’s be honest, tickets are going to be easily available.

          I can’t see anything other than a season of struggle for Latics. Last season was bad enough sitting through it, but next season..nah not for me. ST sales will be down, I’m sure of that.


            I don’t think we’ll miss Humphries, he’s got one very good trick but teams have sussed him out, hence he finished his season on the bench.

            It’s a bit eary to be fretting about the squad in May, but I agree if we lose Hughes and Tickle, they’ll be really hard to replace, even with money to spend.

            It’s sad to see so many development squad go, but looking at recent results, perhaps they weren’t progressing. I rated Chentouff but he looks to have gone off the boil.

            Here’s hoping the turnstiles haven’t rusted or malfunctioned before the new season.

            MR BrownbillMR Brownbill

              Can’t agree about humphreys……at this level with our non budget we haven’t got a hope of replacing him with someone of same quality. Managed right he’d be good for 15 goals plus a season and presently we have Stones end of. Tickle goes that’s 2 keepers…2 or 3 strikers……personally I’d be surprised if Kerr/Jones sign. None of us know the truth about what financial restrictions he has but as previously stated unless there’s some investment and a magical transfer window then it’s going to be a season of struggle.


                I am expecting more of a struggle than play off push next season.

                With our late season florish, Humphries was out injured, and we scored more goals without him. Some people on this site even stated we had played well!!

                If I have a worry, it’s how many points Sam Tickle won for us, he made us look much better than we were. I hope Maloney knows that.

                cup winnerscup winners

                  The last 3 games is a sign of how we should have been playing throughout the season regardless if the opposition were a top 6 or bottom 6 club. But at the end of the day you have to ask Why ? Why tf we were so fookin awful then so good ??.

                  Humphrys wasn’t consistent enough to for me to command top dollar and personally L1 is his level.
                  Wyke (minus heart condition) was a massive flop,
                  Magennis 12 in 95 a centre half can get that,
                  Pearce I personally liked but very injury prone
                  Amos too old

                  As for Humphrys? if he signed he would be probably our highest earner and with say a 3 year deal.

                  There’d be no sell on value at 29 when his contract would end and I’m sure he’d be asking for top brass throughout the 3 years through his golden prime years 26-29 years old, that for me would be very bad business he’s not good enough for big bucks.

                  We need to use a similar tactic to the likes of Peterborough and other clubs. We need to hunt and take gambles on lower or non league players, young who want to progress, bring them through then hopefully sell on for big bucks with sell on clauses.You only need 1 or 2 players and your made.

                  Next year will be
                  Who do we blame? Manager or owner ?
                  Maloney for slow build up methodical bullsh*t football with no forward

                  Danson for not investing ?
                  Or both ?

                  The problem is, we need to sign players not just old cheap and loans signings otherwise how can you grow and build a squad on a bunch of 1 year deal players ???, the come May 2025 their all gone and it’s start again !!.

                  I said it before and I’ll stick by what I said. 2023-2024 was stay up achieved comfortabley
                  2024-2025 rebuild ummmmm

                  2025-2026 push for promotion but looking at the state of our squad I think we can safely push that back a year or two.

                  Unless Danson decides to go mad this summer I think it’s a 2 year plan starting from 2024-2025 season.Will Maloney still be here ? I’d say no, the stress will kill him like it nearly killed Jewell.
                  It’s like owning a restaurant then asking your head chef to achieve 5 michelin stars while shopping at Iceland and farm foods

                  Maloney’s aged 10 years already

                  • This reply was modified 2 months, 2 weeks ago by cup winnerscup winners.
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