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cup winnerscup winners

    The last 3 games is a sign of how we should have been playing throughout the season regardless if the opposition were a top 6 or bottom 6 club. But at the end of the day you have to ask Why ? Why tf we were so fookin awful then so good ??.

    Humphrys wasn’t consistent enough to for me to command top dollar and personally L1 is his level.
    Wyke (minus heart condition) was a massive flop,
    Magennis 12 in 95 a centre half can get that,
    Pearce I personally liked but very injury prone
    Amos too old

    As for Humphrys? if he signed he would be probably our highest earner and with say a 3 year deal.

    There’d be no sell on value at 29 when his contract would end and I’m sure he’d be asking for top brass throughout the 3 years through his golden prime years 26-29 years old, that for me would be very bad business he’s not good enough for big bucks.

    We need to use a similar tactic to the likes of Peterborough and other clubs. We need to hunt and take gambles on lower or non league players, young who want to progress, bring them through then hopefully sell on for big bucks with sell on clauses.You only need 1 or 2 players and your made.

    Next year will be
    Who do we blame? Manager or owner ?
    Maloney for slow build up methodical bullsh*t football with no forward

    Danson for not investing ?
    Or both ?

    The problem is, we need to sign players not just old cheap and loans signings otherwise how can you grow and build a squad on a bunch of 1 year deal players ???, the come May 2025 their all gone and it’s start again !!.

    I said it before and I’ll stick by what I said. 2023-2024 was stay up achieved comfortabley
    2024-2025 rebuild ummmmm

    2025-2026 push for promotion but looking at the state of our squad I think we can safely push that back a year or two.

    Unless Danson decides to go mad this summer I think it’s a 2 year plan starting from 2024-2025 season.Will Maloney still be here ? I’d say no, the stress will kill him like it nearly killed Jewell.
    It’s like owning a restaurant then asking your head chef to achieve 5 michelin stars while shopping at Iceland and farm foods

    Maloney’s aged 10 years already

    • This reply was modified 2 months, 2 weeks ago by cup winnerscup winners.