5-4-Friday… 5 annoying passengers

Forums Non Football Stuff 5-4-Friday… 5 annoying passengers

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      What’s with this ” See you on the ice ” shit ?


      It’s just a saying…

        It’s just a saying…

        You were meant to bite and then I could have used a Warrington fish market joke ! No flies on you I guess ! ;) ( No fishing pun intended ! ) :)

        The EggThe Egg

          Spotted a few of these on the daily commute to Manchester.

          Personally, I hate talking on the phone on anything such as a train, bus or tram where every Tom Dick or Harry can hear my conversation so I don’t fall into that one.

          I do have the odd kip in a morning should I be tired but I tend to sit upright and just shut my eyes. Where I annoy people would probably the loudness of my iPod but I do try and keep it at a reasonable level.

          The passenger that annoys me the most though is the one that gets up and goes to stand by the door as soon as the train leaves the station befpre their stop. It isn’t a bus or a taxi where you have to ask to be let off/out. It’s a f*cking train. It WILL stop at the next stop. What is the point?


          I find the snoozers quite funny, especially when they smack their heads against the window when it vibrates (more a bus thing really) or when the train sways or bumps.

          I can’t usually sleep on transport but was once travelling back through Spain from a music festival & hadn’t slept for the best part of 2 days. Got on the train back to Barcelona & I remember being sat opposite some oldish woman on the side of the train where it was one seat opposite another. Woke up on the outskirts of Barcelona slumped down in my seat & noticed she’d gone. Apparently as I’d slithered down my seat she’d got quite upset coz my legs had pinned her in. My mates were too busy laughing to wake me up & so she’d had to clamber up over the table to get away. In my defence I was really knackered

          I can’t stand the laptop workers & those who spend all journey making inane work calls that could just have easily waited the 2hr train journey from Runcorn to London & that extends to idiots on courses who have to spend all day “just nipping out to take this call” to remind everyone just how vitally important they are to wherever it is that they work. T!ts
          The laptoppers are especially annoying when work have paid for a first class ticket & you get the free brekkie & you’ve got naff all space on the table to eat it from. So it served the bloke right back in May when a tough piece of bacon caused me to knock my orange juice all over the back of his laptop. oops

            I find the snoozers quite funny, especially when they smack their heads against the window when it vibrates (more a bus thing really) or when the train sways or bumps.

            I can’t usually sleep on transport but was once travelling back through Spain from a music festival & hadn’t slept for the best part of 2 days. Got on the train back to Barcelona & I remember being sat opposite some oldish woman on the side of the train where it was one seat opposite another. Woke up on the outskirts of Barcelona slumped down in my seat & noticed she’d gone. Apparently as I’d slithered down my seat she’d got quite upset coz my legs had pinned her in. My mates were too busy laughing to wake me up & so she’d had to clamber up over the table to get away. In my defence I was really knackered

            I can’t stand the laptop workers & those who spend all journey making inane work calls that could just have easily waited the 2hr train journey from Runcorn to London & that extends to idiots on courses who have to spend all day “just nipping out to take this call” to remind everyone just how vitally important they are to wherever it is that they work. T!ts
            The laptoppers are especially annoying when work have paid for a first class ticket & you get the free brekkie & you’ve got naff all space on the table to eat it from. So it served the bloke right back in May when a tough piece of bacon caused me to knock my orange juice all over the back of his laptop. oops

            Now if you had spilled some coke there would have been a Richard Bacon/coke joke in there somewhere ! :)

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          Forums Non Football Stuff 5-4-Friday… 5 annoying passengers