bobby fan

Forums Latics Crazy Forum bobby fan

  • This topic has 15 replies, 10 voices, and was last updated 14 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #57082
    fatmandoNick Dawber

      like i was disgusted by the boo boys that made their noise when Gomez was last substituted i was disgusted by the chants from last night. i am not stupid enough to think that the 20 minutes of keystone kops in the second half was beyond belief but i am also wise enough (i hope) to realise that whilst there is truth in the old saying that a bad workman always blames his tools there is also a counter arguement that someone who has accesss to the best tools is going to produce better material than someone who can’t afford the best.
      Martinez has a genuine love for wigan (like we do) and eventually he will come through. maybe we will have to go down but we need an ethos like blackpool, our players need to want to deliver.
      Somehow i can’t see martinez coaching players to do the back passes that they did against villla, so they need to take responsibility for their performance.
      we are not a big team and we are always going to struggle against the top until we are pulling in crowds of 25,000 who are prepared to pay £100 a ticket. until then we need to cut our cloth accordingly.

      You may not like it but that’s who and where we are and unless you want to see a mercanry type of alardyce (like bruce) manager playing long ball then shut the f**k up.

      63istheonepeter geed


        Martinez has a genuine love for wigan (like we do) and eventually he will come through

        And what do you base the second part of that statement on?
        The fact that he is constantly able to adapt his tactics to the players he has at his disposal, the opposition we’re playing against or the way an individual match is panning out. Or is it the excellent performances with free flowing high scoring, low conceding football that is reaping its rewards both in terns of entertainment value & points on the board

        Or is it just blind faith based on absolutely no evidence whatsoever?


        yeah thanks fatman, and the most pointless and arse licking post of the year goes to you. Congats.

        We do want to see Allardyce so what is your point. I also suggest you go on wikipedia and look up what mercenary means. Think you need a bit more schooling yet before talking about big boy things so shut the f*ck up


          Dw could take a dump on fatman’s face and smear it all about and he would still think it was for the good of the club !! :)

          tea bag headTea Bag Head

            Oh you naughty boy fil

            I am going to tell John that you are moaning again


              Oh you naughty boy fil

              I am going to tell John that you are moaning again


              Not only did I get some disparaging remarks but I am sure I was getting the old stink eye in the Brick prior to kick off !! To be honest I dont give a fcuk what anybody else thinks, I will get my opinion across because I pays my money so I can ! This forum has never been this divided in all the time I have been coming on, including the old site !! That to me tells me things are not right !

              tea bag headTea Bag Head

                First things first – it is an open forum so everyone can put their opinion across if they like.

                Secondly you are right – never have the opinions been so divided. The for, the against, the pro, the anti, the lightside, the dark side call it what you will – but the reason is quite simple really in that as far as I can see everyone who comes on here is a passioanate Latics fan, ones who really care about their club. Sometimes we cant help how we show our feelings and how our point of view is put across – which is bound to upset some people

                What it should never come down to is threats of violence and getting the, how did you put it ‘the stink eye’ – if he does it again let me know and we can take the owd tart outside and see what he says in a darkened back alley :D

                  yeah thanks fatman, and the most pointless and arse licking post of the year goes to you. Congats.

                  We do want to see Allardyce so what is your point. I also suggest you go on wikipedia and look up what mercenary means. Think you need a bit more schooling yet before talking about big boy things so shut the f*ck up

                  First of all TBH makes a very valid point about this forum being open and about putting opinions over.

                  We do want to see Allardyce so what is your point.

                  Don’t ever speak in my name……I don’t want to see Allardyce here (and I know quite a few otheres who feel the same).

                  suggest you go on wikipedia and look up what mercenary means.

                  Wickipedia – web-based, collaborative, multilingual encyclopedia project.

                  Dictionary – reference book containing an alphabetical list of words with information about them.

                  Think you need a bit more schooling yet before talking about big boy things

                  Luke 4:23

                  You, my friend, are the solecist here; stick to opinions and debate and stop making a fool of yourself.


                  And another pointless attempt at trying to look clever. Doesn’t look good when you read it.

                    And another pointless attempt at trying to look clever. Doesn’t look good when you read it.

                    I’m surprised you actually managed……..


                    the otterthe otter

                      Yosser Hughes’s motto appears to be – “If I don’t agree with it, it’s pointless”

                      mighty_affStu L
                        Yosser Hughes’s motto appears to be – “If I don’t agree with it, it’s pointless”

                        Pointless. Thats what they will call Martinez if he is judged over the next 6 games. All that matters to him now is not getting a mauling 6 or 7 nil. He even said himself that he was happy with the performance when we last lost. Doesnt matter if he stays / goes or what to be honest. He is just pointless in both senses.


                          Yosser Hughes’s motto appears to be – “If I don’t agree with it, it’s pointless”

                          Pointless. Thats what they will call Martinez if he is judged over the next 6 games. All that matters to him now is not getting a mauling 6 or 7 nil. He even said himself that he was happy with the performance when we last lost. Doesnt matter if he stays / goes or what to be honest. He is just pointless in both senses.[/quote]

                          He has however amassed 22 points so cant see what your papping on about :roll:

                          tea bag headTea Bag Head

                            light side alert :x

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                          Forums Latics Crazy Forum bobby fan