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  • #202952
    cup winnerscup winners

      A far better performance in parts especially the 2nd half were we moved the ball through the middle and wide. I’m not sure if the ref was on his phone for their first. Seriously though how the hell did he miss that and why didn’t Hughes kick a stink ?? he was clearly fouled. Both commentators in the Charlton box at half time (Curbishley) said the same clear foul.

      Godo played a blinder cutting inside only negs were Pearce coming on he had a mare and at times we defended poorly. But for me we look better with 4 at the back as apposed to 5, that extra centre half just seems to cause confusion as to who’s picking up who.

      I’d look at Kelman in the summer. Based on what I’ve seen so far he always puts a shift in when on the pitch and I thought we looked more solid in the middle in parts without Adeeko. Sad I know but I’m thinking he’s either too young and had too much football too soon or he’s not up to task.
      Thing is, last night makes no odds as the vast majority of that side won’t be here next season anyway but we played in parts with a bit more freedom.

      Finally, we didn’t miss Humphrys certainly didn’t miss Magennis but a half decent point against a side who’d not lost in 11. Same script all season that though, form teams were ok with but the bag of sh*te sides we’ve struggled all season with.

      Based on that and looking who’ll be probably in L1 next season we’ll pi$$ it !!

      • This topic was modified 3 months, 2 weeks ago by cup winnerscup winners.
      donnys pageDonnys Page

        A ten minute relief from the most turgid and least entertaining dog shit football in our history.
        Maloney has stripped our club of it’s DNA with his anti football bilge tactics and his constant tinkering.
        Two substitutions again last night that snatched victory from the jaws of a win.


        Maybe 4-4-2 will come back into fashion :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:


          Crap first half much the same as we have seen recently.
          The second half was much better and the second Latics goal was superb and well worked.
          Charlton looked a decent side who I would expect to be amongst it next season so no mean feat getting a point on their ground.
          All that said I’m going to be positive and just say last night represented a milestone in that safety from relegation has been achieved once and for all.
          That’s what he set out to do at the start of the season and that is what he has achieved with not much to work with.
          At least we still have a club in the EFL not the Pub team standard of the NW counties.

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