I have just fed my birds after eating a very nice sunday dinner.I just love mint sauce, don’t you?, and pickles Hmmm.
I have very nice aviary in the rear garden, it is well stocked with 20+ budgerigars of varying colours.One is pure white and is outstanding. I shall be putting up the nest boxes next week ready for the new breeding season. Baby budgies will soon be for sale. Most going cheep.
I also have about 8 zebra finches which I hope will rear some babies this season and maybe I will sell some of these as well. Thes babies will also go cheep.
My other pet is a cocker spaniel called Charles, his pet name is Charlie. I was going to call him Jordi or Gary but the wife wouldn’t let me.In fact the at me feet now and I might give him a treat and tickle his ear.
Up the tics.