Yeah good luck to the guy, I don’t blame him leaving, he’ll be on good brass and an excellent experience for him and his family.
It’s crazy how certain sections of our fans slaughtered him and only saw the miss placed pass or missed tackle but when he hit a 30-40 harder to feet?, na that doesn’t count, no praise.
He was always the butt of everyone’s anger and frustration. Remember Shinnie in L1 or Magennis ?? every game putting in shocking performances?, no they don’t, they only remember Power, selective memories.
There’s one thing I cannot stand, abuse of our own players at a game. I’ve heard stuff aimed at Power that makes your piss boil. Those type of fans need to watch on ifollow.
I thought he was a brilliant L1 player and probably found the Championship abit tough but he was a Tics mon not a money mon like we’ve suffered from of late, guys here only for the money and still are.
If some of the arrivals that came last season gave it 100% like Power did we wouldn’t be in L1 period.