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  • #202963
    MR BrownbillMR Brownbill

      Brilliant result and good performance against the inform side. Lincoln unbeaten in 16 and last lost on new year’s day so puts it into perspective. . Again we perform well against the better sides ,just can’t help wondering where we could be sitting if we’d had not sunk without trace against the Burtons,Fleetwood etc. J Smith certainly gives us a lot more attacking urgency and will surely be a key player next season. Like most supporters I think our summer transfer business will be extremely interesting…..who will sign new contracts ? (if any)….Who will depart/arrive?. I personally would like to see Humphreys stay… ..with good management, played regularly and in his optimum role I really believe he could be a 20 goal player in this league. Pity my bet looking doomed after looking good a few weeks ago…..Wigan to finish top half.!!. Never mind….again we’ll done Wigan.


        That first goal was superb. Great move with a brilliant finish. Played very well yesterday dominated the game against the Divisions in form side.


        I wouldn’t be surprised if we finish on two wins and Mr Brownbill wins his bet !

        cup winnerscup winners

          I only saw dribs & drabs but what I saw it was an improved performance.

          While we’ve nothing to play for I’ll be cheering Derby home in their 2 games then I’ll hopefully be swapping over to been a temp Oxford fan

          cup winnerscup winners

            Like I said, I never caught the whole game but there’s a few things I noticed from just watching the J.Smith goal:-

            Lincoln had 5 men in our half on a high press when we started the passing movement that led to the goal, that was based the limited highlights there was, I’m sure there was a few more passes.

            There was 11 passes before J.Smith scored
            Only 4 went backwards
            And 4 passes were 1 touch passes straight through the heart of the midfield.
            There was no rolling the ball with the top of the studs followed by a 40 yard Hughes Hail Mary

            And why did this work ?
            Lincoln high pressed and wanted to win the game. If they win the ball in the last 3rd their instantly on the offensive.

            Most of this season the lower / poorer sides just dug their heels in deep the counter attacked and Maloney stuck with the same plan “out it from the back” when the opposition simply watched on in their half not biting.

            For me L1 is the “No Mans Land League”. It’s were some decent size clubs fall foul of dropping out the a Championship followed by a mass clearout of high earning players. They are normally clubs who truly shouldn’t be in League One let’s say the likes of Ipswich, Leeds Sheff Utd just to name a few.

            Then you might get a non-league side hitting the heights making it to L1 after a few seasons and the only way they can survive is to dig is not by playing it out from the back they revert to digging their heels in and spoiling you into submission.

            And this exactly why Maloney needs to adapt our tactics game by game.

            You cannot play the same way against a Burton that won’t press and wave an invasion card from their half as apposed to say an inform Lincoln who high press, try and win the ballup the field and are out to the game from the off.

            Maloney needs a plan B so when the lesser/poorer sides decide to put the onus on us to come at them we can take advantage and implement plan B and plan A is for another day.

            It’s as clear as day to you and me and has been all season and for me has cost us a play off spot.

            I’m not sure why Maloney insist on instructing the players to roll it around the back, dangling the carrot hoping the opposition will take the bait when their clearly not interested in coming for it.

            That for me is Maloney’s achilles heel, hes adopted the Martinez style. Now that might be fine at a higher level were you don’t have as many dig your heels in sides but like I pointed out, in L1 its chalk and cheese from the top sides to bottom sides hence which we e found out.

            If Maloney gets the backing from Danson and he brings in the right type of all round player and he can adapt his tactics to suit the opposition then he has a very good chance of taking us out this league.

            Will this happen next season ? footballing heart says We’ll p*ss it
            Footballing head says 2- 3 seasons before were anywere near.

            This is the dilemma, will he get the time and funds ?. In our case which is like no other Maloney has to be given alot longer simply because of his first year clearout of the big earners and transfer embargo.

            I keep repeating myself (sorry) I’m not hear to slate him I really want him to do well I truly do, who doesn’t !! but he cannot keep implementing the one style of play especially in this league, it clearly does not work

            • This reply was modified 3 months, 1 week ago by cup winnerscup winners.

            Let’s hope he reads CW’s post then !!!


              Good post CW

              Definitely need to work on a plan B in the Summer when playing against the “shite” teams.

              Players like Matty Smith and Thelo need to play way further forward instead of being on the defenders toes all the time.

              Our system works really well against the good teams but we have to be a lot more positive against the “sit in deep” teams.

              cup winnerscup winners

                Let’s hope he reads CW’s post then !!!

                If he needs to read my post to sort out onfield problems out then we are well and truly in the sh!t and he’s def not the man for the job.

                In his last few interviews he has admitted that we do struggle against the lesser out of form sides so at least he acknowledges it which is a starters for 10.
                The hard bit will be how he goes about rectifying it. Granted I understand it’s hard to ask players to play a system against say a Lincoln then play the opposite against a Burton but I’m afraid after what we’ve been through this season I’m afraid is the only way

                Adapt to each opponent


                I’m afraid folk need to get used to spending around 2 – 3 seasons in L1. The financial mess caused by our 2 previous owners has caused severe damage.

                cup winnerscup winners

                  I totally agree runcorn, or Danson goes chequebook barmy which is not going to happen.
                  The problem we have is building a squad. Maloney needs to sign players not just loans and short contracts and as we all know that comes at a price, players don’t do zero hours.

                  He has to sign so their here for at least 2 years or how can he build if every year 12-14 players are moving on ?

                  Maloney has to find players, cheap and decent but there’s so many other clubs after the exact same thing

                  We certainly don’t want over the hill players carrying a full to the brim medical journal and their last big pay day like we currently have now.

                  Maloney’s budget will not be signing on fee money it will be wages which inturn makes his job very very difficult finding the right player/s.

                  Were gonna need an awful lot of luck in the transfer market. I also think we should to tap into other areas and dip our toe into non-league and say the Irish League and make calculated gambles on up and coming young players.

                  I know one thing, I wouldn’t like Maloney’s job and the pressure that will come with it in June
                  Good luck to the guy he’ll need it


                  I totally agree runcorn, or Danson goes chequebook barmy which is not going to happen.
                  The problem we have is building a squad. Maloney needs to sign players not just loans and short contracts and as we all know that comes at a price, players don’t do zero hours.

                  He has to sign so their here for at least 2 years or how can he build if every year 12-14 players are moving on ?

                  Maloney has to find players, cheap and decent but there’s so many other clubs after the exact same thing

                  We certainly don’t want over the hill players carrying a full to the brim medical journal and their last big pay day like we currently have now.

                  Maloney’s budget will not be signing on fee money it will be wages which inturn makes his job very very difficult finding the right player/s.

                  Were gonna need an awful lot of luck in the transfer market. I also think we should to tap into other areas and dip our toe into non-league and say the Irish League and make calculated gambles on up and coming young players.

                  I know one thing, I wouldn’t like Maloney’s job and the pressure that will come with it in June
                  Good luck to the guy he’ll need it

                  Very good points you raise CupWinners. But in all honesty, I very much doubt Maloney needs luck in the transfer market (well perhaps a teeny weeny bit as all managers do), but when you look at who he brought in this season on frees alone – M. Smith, J. Smith, Sessegnon to name but 3, plus Chambers, Godo to name but 2 on loans, I think he’s done a decent job IMO.

                  I think we will keep Magennis (God forbid I know) & McManaman – the latter who definitely deserves a 1 year extension. But I do truly believe we’ll be looking at players within the right age bracket. Players who have been released from Premier league/Championship clubs – again to use M.Smith as an example. And as you say, up & coming players from non league, L2 & even some gems from L1.

                  Add in keeping the likes of Jones, Kerr, Tickle, Hughes (fingers crossed) & I’d like to keep Humphrys also, we should more than likely be in a good spot for a definite top 10 finish. Maybe play off contenders.

                  cup winnerscup winners

                    His mammoth task won’t be helped if Anthony Patterson Sunderland’s young keeper goes to Liverpool because I’m sure Sunderland will be banging Maloney’s office door off the hinges for Tickle.
                    Then there’s Hughes, someone like a Pompey or Derby would def take a chance with a big sell-on % therefore get him cheaper.

                    I know one thing, it’s going to be a crazy summer that’s for sure

                    • This reply was modified 3 months, 1 week ago by cup winnerscup winners.

                      There’s no doubt Maloney knows a decent player when he sees one the problem is the style of play he introduced, slow boring and ultra negative making these decent players look shit!

                      I sound like a stuck record I know, but build a squad play to it’s strengths and you’ll be fine, Maloney is trying to put square pegs in round holes.

                      Fuck the EFL

                      cup winnerscup winners

                        Just a thought here,
                        It took Michael Eisner owner at Portsmouth 7 years to achieve what they did last night gaining promotion so to those who think it will take a us a year or two better rethink that one. I predict us be challenging hopefully 2025-2026 but I’m not holding my breath

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