Has anyone else ever wondered who everybody is, I bet we all know each other, Well a few of us anyway, just a thought like, dont even know why i posted this haha
your a rum un i will give u that, nah i was rusty_blades and andy_savilles_nugget, we just have different views on our little club but mine are right more than yours though :D
Im famous in these parts, Not on Suddy’s standard but famous anyway. Im rambling though, ive had a few bevvy’s and am just trying to make polite conversation ;)
Oh and for the record, It’s C O N S I S T E N T, Don’t want to rub tha nose innit or owt though :o :o :lol: :lol:
Haha I know you. Seriously, Just didn’t know you were Rusty_Blades.
Horc if yours showed a pic of every poster you would be erect every time I posted :D