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  • #6564

      no large flagpoles in the seated areas (h&s) ques- what constitutes a large flagpole! ans-anything other than a thin cane apparently! ques-would a thin cane 10ft long be ok !ans would have to look into it, also got to consider could it suppot the weight of a flag ? cheers pal

      thtyoneyearswafctrevor hoy

        :lol: :lol: :lol:

        The EggThe Egg

          There really are some thick people about :roll:

          thtyoneyearswafctrevor hoy

            How come on chubbie’s. com a thread about Fridays game turned into a hate fest about the tics answer that Egg

            The EggThe Egg

              I have no idea mate.

              Unfortunately the rugby is now more anti Latics than ever due to a certain Mr DW.

                I have no idea mate.

                Unfortunately the rugby is now more anti Latics than ever due to a certain Mr DW.

                Lets have an honest answer here:

                Seeing as you seem to have a foot in either camp, do you think the jealousy of the Latics shown by many warriors fans is stronger than anything shown towards them from latics fans?

                The EggThe Egg

                  I have no idea mate.

                  Unfortunately the rugby is now more anti Latics than ever due to a certain Mr DW.

                  Lets have an honest answer here:

                  Seeing as you seem to have a foot in either camp, do you think the jealousy of the Latics shown by many warriors fans is stronger than anything shown towards them from latics fans?[/quote]

                  Not at all. I wouldn’t call it jealousy either.

                  I’ve never been in a pub and been told to take my latics top off before someone hits me but the opposite has happened.

                  The EggThe Egg
                    How come on chubbie’s. com a thread about Fridays game turned into a hate fest about the tics answer that Egg

                    Just looked for that thread and can’t find it. Which one is it?

                    EDIT: Unless you mean this one which isn’t exactly a hate fest


                      Another question for Mr Egg:

                      As you know there are quite a few chubby fans, you included, who post on this board.
                      They, for obvious reason back their other team to the hilt, and rightly so, if thats what they like.
                      With this in mind, why is it, that if anybody ever goes on the chubbies board, and so much as mentions the Latics in a positive way they instantly get banned?

                      The EggThe Egg

                        You’d have to ask the mods, but I guess it’s because they’re simply trolling.

                        JayT and the other mods could ban them all on here as well if they wanted.

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                      Forums Non Football Stuff ultras latest news, it gets better