I have just organised for the team sheets to be available in the Supporters Club prior to the Maribor game next week.
Apparently the originals are on UEFA Paper and the Club will try to get these for us, but at worst there will be photocopies there.
I have to talk to the committee but I will probably ask for 50p minimum donation for each sheet which we will donate to a Charity.
Hope this is OK
That’s Bronxbomber’s new conservatory up the swannee, then![/quote]
I ain’t making anything out of selling these, as I said, they cost me £1.00 each plus the postage from Holland and at least they are ORIGINALS given out at the game, not photocopies..Or like the ones Garswood put the links to on the site, which were only printed after the game.[/quote]
I think he was only joking mate, it was on a plate really :) ;)