Reply To: Cup tickets

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MR BrownbillMR Brownbill

    After initially being thrilled with the draw,the clubs derogatory treatment of our own has completely crushed the anticipation. I’m sorry to say I now have very little interest in the game.I don’t feel the desire to waste any disposable income to sit there watching a virtual Utd home tie….have the piss taken the whole 90mins. I’ll use the money by going Doncaster in the Efl Cup. Rather see it in Doncasters coffers . We’ll done Mr Goodburn……some supporters will put up with this…..fine ! That’s their perogative. I feel very bitter about the way the club has shit on us. Makes you realise that the statue of Mr Whelan deserves its place……a great custodian of our club. Yes he made mistakes……early years of the ground there were some swapping and changing but the East stand became the home stand.Pretty certain this wouldn’t have happened on his watch. Too late to rectify the ticket situation……damage done. I’m sure this could be reflected in season ticket sales…….Great bit of business!!!!!