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    No owner and especially one who owns two codes is in it for the money. It’s more of a rich man’s hobbie or giving back.

    Personally I don’t think he’ll put much in not this summer, it’s more about stabilising the club and smashing the huge wage bill. If any club knows were splashing the cash gets you it’s us.

    You can throw millions at it and get nowhere and you just end up in more sh!t than ever, spending money doesn’t guarantee you sucess.

    What worries me more is the lack of a CEO and our current non existent scouting system. I would have said these are a priority. Maloney needs a footballing CEO to liaise with.

    For us to survive we need a system in place were we can pick up players that have dropped off the radar and they just need a kick up the backside.

    Right now We don’t have Chairman and we have no scouting which is not moving forward.

    Is expect to see more of Luke Robinson Stones Cze Brennan and a few more. Me?, I’d break the bank and have a pop for Chambers. With Klopp leaving he might drop right out the picture especially with so many at the club.

    If Chambers progresses he could go all the way and in a few years time with regular football at Wigan we could be in for a massive pay day when he does move on.