Reply To: Is Maloney deluded ??

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MR BrownbillMR Brownbill

    What is wrong with some posters who continually reference our plight, embargo, minus 8 etc,etc ???…Then justifying shocking managerial and performance decisions by then referencing them over and over. We know,we understand but yesterday was about being humiliated by the leagues lowest scorers…and humiliated it was….could easily have been 7. Humphreys our only consistent goal threat…2 in 2…..gets substituted when we need 2 goals …..striker for striker. (Well if yo call him that)… lost immediately he makes that decision. Why sign Kelman???…..Magennis give us zero so YES Maloney is deluded . Praises Scott Smiths Bolton performance then benches him for Calamity Clare. Godo seems to be struggling in confidence and hasn’t taken a man on since his return but plays full 90 after having a poor day . Macmanaman our only real threat and a s### house (meant in a complimentary way) benched. If anyone thinks his slow possession based tedious football philosophy will get us out of this league next season then they’re in for a rude awakening……We are a soft touch and all the opposition can see it,some of us can see it,the pundits can see it……Maloney can’t….or he’s digging his heels in. S### to watch….virtually no goal threat…a F###### yawn fest. I went yesterday and when 2nd went in I thought right here we go…… wrong could I have been…..