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cup winnerscup winners

    I’m all for “Do not wash your dirty laundry in public”, I get that and no need to point the finger at any individual, again, I understand that but not one collective team performance bad word ?, that I do not understand. Infact their performance was defended and the onus was on Fleetwood who played well reverse phycology.
    Those players involved at Fleetwood know exactly what went on against a struggling outfit who’d previously won 3 in 22 and for us to let in 3 unanswered goals from going in front ? well that’s worthy of a public non acceptable roasting.

    Well if I was player I’d be fully expecting a bollocking after a 4-2 drubbing to the lowest scorers in the League and a public whinge by the manager or a press moan but to come out with close on praise ?.

    He’s clearly not too fussed with the way things went Sat regardless how many we let in. As long as you show willing as a player regardless then your fine.

    Saturday was shocking, our collective defending was pathetic and nearly every player honestly looked like they’d thrown the towel in even at 2-2.

    Poor week in week out performances are more often than not been defended or should I say, brushed under the carpet by Maloney.

    Our cup cake manager needs to be sometimes be unhappy with the way we played and not praise the opposition. If you play well and lose then fine or unlucky same again.

    That performance especially against a side as out of form as Fleetwood was non acceptable but not to Maloney and that for me is poor management.

    If you have nothing to fear from the manager when your utter dog sh!t then you’ve no reason to put it right.

    Grow some Shaun and roast um not praise Fleetwood