Reply To: Same again…

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MR BrownbillMR Brownbill

    His unbelievable post match statement has tipped my opinion. He’s completely lost control…..”.I was happy with 90% of the performance “…..Ffs…F@@@@@@@@ ridiculous drowning man statement. I’ve continually given him benefit of doubt through a plethora of dire performances but today capped em all. Repeat….8 changes yet again, a squad who have no idea if they’ll get a game. Players singled out for praise then dropped or played out of position next game. Magennis singled out for praise…..and selected. Lang offloaded,so too Wyke….yet the changing room motivational speaker keeps getting game time with F%%%%%% zero end result……Fleetwood, Burton, Cambridge can hardly win a game then they meet us. Fleetwood hit 4 and haven’t won a game since…..if that doesn’t ring his and the clappers alarm bell nothing will. Sorry to have to post this but I’ve no confidence no matter what players he has that he has the motivational and managerial ability to take our club forward…..Its whether Danson does.