Same again…

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  • #202780
    MR BrownbillMR Brownbill

      A carbon copy of so many tepid performances against bottom sides. A complete bore fest. Zero urgency, yet again passing the air out the ball. Burton were w@@@ and yet at least they tried to get the ball in the box whenever they could. Wonder how many “kids for a quid” plead with dad not to go again ?.DW is an entertainment vacuum. Can’t wait for this season to finish.I know our objective has been achieved but FFS that today was criminal. Will Maloney’s own recruitment in the summer address these issues ???…I am certainly starting to doubt it.


      Not sure what this possession football is trying to achieve. Take yesterday as an example:-

      Wigan 70% possession, 13 shots, 5 on target.

      Burton 30% possession, 15 shots, 4 on target.

      So with over twice the amount of possession than Burton, we still allow them more shots.
      That tells me that the theory of keeping the ball from the opposition doesn’t work. Had it not been for Sam Tickle, Burton would have done a smash and grab.
      Shaun needs to get back to the drawing board before next season :unsure: :unsure: :unsure:


        Maloney needs to go at the end of the season end of!

        Otherwise we will be having these conversations again next season, fans have said now we are almost safe with 50 points he’ll take the shackles off the players and let them play I for one doubted he would and yesterday proved me right.

        He’s now over 12 months in to the job and we haven’t progressed on bit even with the players HE brought in himself, anyone that makes 4 or 5 changes per game and makes 5 substitutions doesn’t fill me with confidence, the guy is so far out of his depth its unbelievable.

        The only reason he’s still here is because he is cheap and Danson knows he will have to stump up a bit more cash for a decent manager.

        Thanks for your services Shaun close the door behind you!

        Fuck the EFL


          Totally deluded Bullitt


            Couldn’t disagree with you any more. I think Maloney has done a fantastic job and I really hope he is here next season. With what he has had to work with he achieved a comfortable mid table finish I think he has worked wonders. We can all see the areas that need strengthening and I have complete trust in him that in those areas we will be stronger next season. We have two games in three days and he has had to rest players and bring players off to keep players fresh in what is not the biggest squad. It’s a frustrating watch at times but you can see what he is trying to do and at times yesterday I thought we knocked the ball around really well and some of the one touch passing and movement off the ball was excellent. We switched off at the start of the second half and that basically cost us the game , but it’s a young squad and they are learning all the time , they will only get better !


              Totally with you Phoenix

              cup winnerscup winners

                What I saw was a side hell bent on getting it wide to Humphrys and J.Smith who both struggled and when they did get a ball in on the rare occasion there was no one in there to finish it off.

                We’ve a disjointed midfield not playing together and rarely played as a midfield unit. And worse when out of possession struggle to win it back especially Assguard and M.Smith who couldn’t tackle me nan. but the main one massive issue we have is :-

                We do not have a forward, period,

                We have no threat what so ever up front. We need that one guy who can get you a goal out of nothing, a handful. Kelman offered little against Burton and Magennis, well say no more on him, when he comes on it’s like going down to 10 men.

                On the very few occasions we tried to 1-2 it through the middle Burton were left flat footed and I thought wow were mixing it up but Maloney prefers the width route and it wasn’t long before normal play resumed and we started pinging it out wide.

                Thing is if the opposition double up on our wingers/widemen were fcuked cause our players are simply not good enough so the ball comes back to the defense and the slow build up starts again. This happens far to often.

                It’s like Maloney’s waiting for the opposition to part like Moses and the Read sea and if they don’t go back,groundhog day football.

                Crossing from wide is great that’s if you have men in the box but when we did get the ball in most of the time the ball fizzes through a host of defenders box with no one in there.

                Look I’d love him the stay and what he’s done with limited resources is nothing short of a miracle but I’m not loving what I’m currently seeing, not one bit.

                I left with 10 minutes to go something I rarely rarely do and even if we had of hit a 94th minute winner I wouldn’t have cared one iota as it wouldn’t have made up for the 93 minutes of gross football. I would have just shrugged my shoulders and said “Oh well, there you go”.

                The answer ? I’m not paid or skilled enough I’m nothing more than a fan, an observer from the stands but tbh, it’s boring to watching. Whatever Maloney does he has to try and play attractive football, give us fans something to talk about after because currently I leave the ground saying nothing.

                We desperately need a forward, a threat, someone who can get 10-15 and put fear into opposition defenders.
                We are toothless, zero threat from any of our forwards. If there’s one position Danson needs to splash the cash on it’s a forward but I think if he does it will come at the expense of Tickle or Hughes leaving.

                On one hand I’m happy and grateful I’m going to watch us after what we’ve been through but right now I’m thinking I’m not too arsed I’m here and it’s not entertaining. Yes we get results,yes we’re safe, but to do this entertainment value is 0/10 utter dross.
                I saw guys with kids there yesterday, hopefully our future fans,
                But “Quid a Kid” ?
                I wouldn’t be surprised if a few rang up today for a 50p refund.

                • This reply was modified 3 months, 4 weeks ago by cup winnerscup winners.

                  Looks like we have happy clappers on this site as well, if you lot want mid table boring league one football for the next few seasons then stick with Maloney.

                  If you want us showing ambition and challenging at the top end of the table then Maloney must go and Danson needs to get his hand in his pocket.

                  Fuck the EFL

                  cup winnerscup winners

                    When you say “hand in his pocket” I agree and disagree.
                    Yes we need that bit of quality for me a forward but we have to be ultra careful with our spending due to our history of overspending.
                    I even remember the Steve Bruce days who put players the likes of Sibierski Melchiot Bramble on astronomical top 10 Prem club wages and eventually Martinez was given the job to clear the huge unsustainable wage bill down.

                    We can’t keep relying on owners and their wallet because when at the end of the day when it dries up or clipped shut were back in the same boat. I mean, how many more Whelans and Danson’s are out there who’s prepared to plough money in with zero chance of a return ?.

                    We have to recruit and recruit well basically cherry pick youth players from our big 4 neighbors.

                    Looking back, we’ve picked up tonnes of young lads who’ve done brilliant then moved on for decent money the likes of McManaman and Baines and even Hughes falls into that bracket I think it’s what we have to resurrect and super quick.

                    We need a Chief Executive and a team of scouts paid to find potential young lads. I understand not every young lad will make it, granted but for me it’s our only option.

                    As I stated before, I’d sooner gamble on a youth set up than a stupid 3 year £10k a week £1.5-£2million player deal.


                      Looks like we have happy clappers on this site as well, if you lot want mid table boring league one football for the next few seasons then stick with Maloney.

                      If you want us showing ambition and challenging at the top end of the table then Maloney must go and Danson needs to get his hand in his pocket.

                      “Get his hand in his pocket” – are you mad or just stupid?!

                      Did you see the accounts he’s inherited?

                      You say happy clapper, I say realist.


                        Looks like we have happy clappers on this site as well, if you lot want mid table boring league one football for the next few seasons then stick with Maloney.

                        If you want us showing ambition and challenging at the top end of the table then Maloney must go and Danson needs to get his hand in his pocket.

                        “Get his hand in his pocket” – are you mad or just stupid?!

                        Did you see the accounts he’s inherited?

                        You say happy clapper, I say realist.

                        Ok don’t spend and be pissing about mid to lower table in league one with no ambition for years to come.
                        Is that what you want? I don’t.

                        • This reply was modified 3 months, 4 weeks ago by BullittBullitt.

                        Fuck the EFL


                          I am no happy clapper but I am also not a doom and gloom merchant like a lot of people on this site seem to be finding fault with everything single thing the club and Maloney do. I am a supporter of Wigan Athletic and want the club to do well.At this moment in time I have seen nothing to suggest Maloney or Danson will not succeed .That may well change next season ,who knows . I for one am more than happy with what we have achieved this season, the target was always to avoid relegation , mission accomplished. Roll on next season !


                            I am no happy clapper but I am also not a doom and gloom merchant like a lot of people on this site seem to be finding fault with everything single thing the club and Maloney do. I am a supporter of Wigan Athletic and want the club to do well.At this moment in time I have seen nothing to suggest Maloney or Danson will not succeed .That may well change next season ,who knows . I for one am more than happy with what we have achieved this season, the target was always to avoid relegation , mission accomplished. Roll on next season !

                            Who actually said the target was to avoid relegation?

                            Fuck the EFL


                            As I posted some weeks ago.
                            I recall an early season interview with SM; probably after the good start against Derby & Bolton.
                            He said the first objective was to overcome the 8 point deduction and to reach mid table safety. When asked “what then ?” the response was “let’s just see how far we can take it”. So I don’t agree that the only thing in his mind was survival.
                            Maybe, Danson has told him to take the foot of the gas because he wants a progressive financial curve and not a vertical take off !

                            After the Bolton game at Horwich, I wandered home in the sunshine thinking that if we keep up that type of performance we can easily reach the play offs. One swallow did make summer, because I can’t really think of any other memorable performance this season.

                            Okay, so next season we will really see what SM is made of. Damn well hope it’s more exciting than this season :scratch: :scratch: :scratch:


                              I am no happy clapper but I am also not a doom and gloom merchant like a lot of people on this site seem to be finding fault with everything single thing the club and Maloney do. I am a supporter of Wigan Athletic and want the club to do well.At this moment in time I have seen nothing to suggest Maloney or Danson will not succeed .That may well change next season ,who knows . I for one am more than happy with what we have achieved this season, the target was always to avoid relegation , mission accomplished. Roll on next season !

                              Who actually said the target was to avoid relegation?

                              We start on minus eight points with a scratch team full of academy players , the only realistic target was to avoid relegation.

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                            Forums Latics Crazy Forum Same again…