Reply To: Refused admission – FUMING

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MR BrownbillMR Brownbill

    Totally agree……I’ve been saying for ages that the owners silence doesn’t instill any optimism that we are moving in the right direction. . Season tickets on sale…..a few words could tip the “not sure ” supporters to purchase. Only statements we get are from Maloney and they are as expected. Silence only nurtures suspicion and rumours. We know by all accounts he’s very private and that I understand but an interview would help….a few simple questions answered. Agree about the fans fund……F@@@ me I pay for 2 season ticket,quite a few aways and then feeding a 15 year old constantly through the day!!!…..Enoughs enough….cost of living crisis and squeeze more out of us. The ticketing is a fiasco…..and I for one still stinging from the East stand eviction against Utd. 50/50 if I renew…..I’ll see how we we recruit in the window and what message if any the owner releases.