Reply To: Refused admission – FUMING

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The way this Fans Fund thing has been set up is a mistake. As CW says, there’s potential for division between ST holders and FF members over ticket priority.

Most, although not all, FF members will be ST holders as well. So why not just have a “standard” ST as usual with certain benefits then a “premium” ST for £150 more or whatever, to include the youth funding donation and additional benefits over and above the standard ST?
No conflict then, pay your money and take your choice of which ST you go for.

Someone asked me why I was walking away from renewing just because of the debacle last game. It goes much deeper than that sadly.
This season gone has felt totally different from any other for me in the last 20 years. Hard to describe, but the club feels cold somehow nowadays, not the welcoming place it always was.
Take the stewarding. It used to be the same people regularly, many you knew by name, now they’re random strangers who treat you like an inconvenience.
Obviously the style of play didn’t help either, nor did the fixture congestion caused by the international postponements; 3 homes games in a week in late January FFS!
Sad to say but for me going to the games felt like a chore, not something I spent all week looking forward to. Even under the Chinese Gang and the Bahraini Bandits, the club still had it’s character. Now I’m not sure what it has.

Danson’s a quiet chap who wants to stay in the background. No problem, his money his choice. But the club is crying out for visible leadership off the field or I really do fear for the future.
I know from discussions I’m not alone. Many others who’ve been loyal ST holders for 10-20-30-40+ years are seriously questioning whether to renew or not this year.

Very sad.