Reply To: Refused admission – FUMING

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    Read what I posted again instead of just picking out the bits that make my post sound like I’m deserting them.
    Again, ask the question why I felt the need to miss my first home game in god knows how many years.
    Cut me in half I have Wigan Athletic running through me, I just didn’t enjoy last season. The covid season was more enjoyable with a load of kids, has beens and Will Keane playing for the club.
    If you don’t look forward to the game on Saturday then what are the options ?
    I would never stop going, my season ticket is ordered and my seat will be mine till I die. I just have slight doubts about the owner and the manager. Last season was one of the poorest league ones I’ve seen. No disrespect to Oxford and the other 2 that went up but they where bang average to say the least. We were out of the relegation zone after 7 or 8 games, even with our minus 8. Maloney never said avoiding relegation was his aim, he actually said it was getting out the bottom 4 then see where it takes us.
    I have a different opinion to you, so have many others, there is no need to be aggressive against them buddy, just chill and see what unfolds. I really want Maloney to do well, I will be behind him 100% at the start of next season, lets hope Danson is too. Lets also hope the off field shit is sorted too as its making fans angry and I can fully accept that. I don’t feel the need to tell them to feck off.
    If I see the turgid slow passing game at the back and he cant decide on his starting 11, hence keeps making several changes each game, I wont be a happy bunny.
    I do not want to hear 90 % of all post match interviews start with “I liked what I saw in the first half, I didn’t like what I saw in the second.” It got as boring as the slow passing game he persisted with for the games in between the great start to the season and the last few games.
    Enjoy the close season buddy. :good:

    • This reply was modified 1 month, 3 weeks ago by jrfatfanjrfatfan.

    From Matlock to ManU
    What a journey!