Wait for the Meltdown

Forums Latics Crazy Forum Wait for the Meltdown

  • This topic has 56 replies, 13 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by ItaliaItalia.
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  • #200317

    Yes – whenever I was there visiting family and a home game was on, I’d generally go. The last game I went to was Chelsea in 2008. Not long after, the rugby were made to play at Widnes. I havent watched a non Wigan/Sunderland game at the DW since then.


    Why were the rugby made to play at Widnes and by whom?


      Welcome on board Mutty, you can now relinquish your ridiculous support of Sunderland and get right behind your home town football club ,Wigan Athletic.

      There’s now more chance that I might go to a football game at the DW when I’m visiting Wigan now they are under the same ownership. Perhaps you might start following your home town rugby side instead of “anyone but Wigan” RLFC?[/quote]

      Mutty,I have absolutely no interest in Rugby League and that is not going to change . I know you are a football fan so I fully expect you will now get right behind your home town club.


      Why were the rugby made to play at Widnes and by whom?

      There was a football game on the Saturday and Whelan refused permission for the rugby to play their home play-off on the Friday night. It happened again in 2017 when a home game with Widnes was switched at 2 hours notice after they were told the pitch wasn’t fit to host two games in two days (Latics were playing Forest on Saturday).


      I know you are a football fan so I fully expect you will now get right behind your home town club.

      See you at Peterborough on 3 Feb?

      cup winnerscup winners

        Meltdown ? Wtf do you mean ?, If you think he bought us to get the ground for the rugby your mad. He could have simply hung on and paid peanuts in administration then Wigan athletic would have gone and any new club would have no rights to play at the stadium.
        Count your blessings, without Mike Danson we’d be dead and buried


          I know you are a football fan so I fully expect you will now get right behind your home town club.

          See you at Peterborough on 3 Feb?

          I have been to London Road several times so yes I don’t see why not. See you at the DW on the 12th August ?


            Meltdown ? Wtf do you mean ?, If you think he bought us to get the ground for the rugby your mad. He could have simply hung on and paid peanuts in administration then Wigan athletic would have gone and any new club would have no rights to play at the stadium.
            Count your blessings, without Mike Danson we’d be dead and buried

            I was referring to the meltdown of others.

            I’m fully aware that without Danson we’d be totally screwed. I’m happy to embrace a “united” Wigan though I’ve never been a fan of any code of rugby.


              If that changes to a shared stadium the football club should be significantly compensated by the Warriors.

              Rather like taking your loose change out of your left pocket and putting it in your right pocket.

              I know Danson will own both clubs but they will still trade as two separate businesses.At the moment the stadium is an asset of Wigan Athletic. If he ‘gifts’ Wigan Warriors 50% ownership it is going to cause a lot of bad feeling. Rather than bring the two clubs closer together they will be further apart than ever.


              There was a football game on the Saturday and Whelan refused permission for the rugby to play their home play-off on the Friday night. It happened again in 2017 when a home game with Widnes was switched at 2 hours notice after they were told the pitch wasn’t fit to host two games in two days (Latics were playing Forest on Saturday).

              Yes, Latics were in the Premier League then and the rugby were refused permission to play their home play-off on the Friday night and rightly so. The time to prepare for the football match was too short. Other dates were offered but Sky wanted it on the Friday night, so it wasn’t all down to Dave Whelan.

              The EggThe Egg

                Danson will keep us within our means and spend sensibly. Fans may not like it if we start to stagnate in L1, but the financial future is more than secure.

                As for the stadium, it doesn’t really matter who owns it in all honesty when the owner owns both clubs, however I suspect that it will become it’s own legal entity as it was before Whelan sold to the Chinese.


                  Danson will keep us within our means and spend sensibly. Fans may not like it if we start to stagnate in L1, but the financial future is more than secure.

                  As for the stadium, it doesn’t really matter who owns it in all honesty when the owner owns both clubs, however I suspect that it will become it’s own legal entity as it was before Whelan sold to the Chinese.

                  A company was set up for the maintenance and administration of the stadium for the benefit of both clubs but it has always been an asset of Wigan Athletic.

                  The EggThe Egg

                    And that is what I suspect will happen again unless the council amend the lease.

                    It was never listed as an asset though (it is now) it was a separate entity owned by the same people that owned the football club under an umbrella company Wigan Athletic Holdings.

                    They owned 5 businesses, 2 of which were sold off in admin neither of which were owned or an asset of WAFC legally.


                      And that is what I suspect will happen again unless the council amend the lease.

                      It was never listed as an asset though (it is now) it was a separate entity owned by the same people that owned the football club under an umbrella company Wigan Athletic Holdings.

                      They owned 5 businesses, 2 of which were sold off in admin neither of which were owned or an asset of WAFC legally.

                      I think you are clutching at straws there Egg.

                      The EggThe Egg

                        Couldn’t care either way, but that was how begbies explained it to me during admin.

                        Legally the football club owned nothing. The same individual owned them all however.

                        Makes sense business wise and allows you to move money around you may not be able to move around otherwise. As mutty says, from your left pocket to your right pocket.

                        I mean, Newcastle don’t own LIV golf do they, but the same people own both.

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                      Forums Latics Crazy Forum Wait for the Meltdown