Wait for the Meltdown

Forums Latics Crazy Forum Wait for the Meltdown

  • This topic has 56 replies, 13 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by ItaliaItalia.
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    The only way the stadium is viable is by having two teams playing there. A 13 game a season Warriors cannot make it pay, and nor can a 23 game a season latics. The former because there simply isnt enough income from 13 games and the latter because the culture for decades has been to spend someone else’s money in large quantities.

    The plus side is that you have a football club to watch this season. Sure, its going to be ugly, and there may be a few defeats on the way, but you have a club.

    Bicky, i’m not sure if its the fact that the rugby are no longer going to be treated like shit on your shoe any more that is pissing you off, or that you are facing a few years of book-balancing, which will probably result in increased ticket prices for a lower standard of football. If its the former, just give it a rest man and enjoy that you have a football club to watch.


      Swings and roundabouts mutty we where also treated by the wurriors as shit on their shoes
      Maybe it’s people my age who can’t live and forget never will
      Maybe the future is unity but its not for me
      Ok I have a big family everyone a latics fan
      14 grandkids all tics Maybe when likes if me are gone things will be OK then
      To be honest after watching latics since 1970 I don’t know if I am going again
      Sons have season tickets grandkids too but as for me I can’t see it
      Like I say when I’m gone Maybe it will change


      It sounds like this is a step too far for you then Bicky. I acknowledge that Lindsay’s comment about the backyard was crass, insensitive and patronising. I would have thought that if you were going to give up on the latics, the day Lindsay was appointed to the board would have been that day, not the day some bloke who had zero involvement in what went on 40 years ago saved you from extinction by pumping in around £10m of his own money.


        It sounds like this is a step too far for you then Bicky. I acknowledge that Lindsay’s comment about the backyard was crass, insensitive and patronising. I would have thought that if you were going to give up on the latics, the day Lindsay was appointed to the board would have been that day, not the day some bloke who had zero involvement in what went on 40 years ago saved you from extinction by pumping in around £10m of his own money.


        cup winnerscup winners

          Listen, go up town Sunday pubs will be full of cherry & white jerseys hats rosettes the lot while Headingley will be half empty. It’s a non entity sport watched by a handful of the public it means Jack sh1t to me bar they share our ground.
          I remember a good few year back similar happened were they played Leigh in a televised cup game on a Saturday and the pubs were packed up town what’s that 6-7 mile away ? the ground was half empty but pubs were full, embarrassing.
          Im like the vast majority of the country I honestly don’t care what happens to rugby league it’s a failing sport. The rugby league governing body are £70million in debt and all the clubs bar 2 are in the sh1t. It’s a failing sport because no one cares.


            CW .. I’m normally bang on with my recollections of what that shower of shit did .. it may have been a Leigh game .. but there was [ if it’s not the same example you say ] a game ..ha ha ha ha ha ha… non entity . involving Widnes .. Sat .. August ..lovely evening . with an attendance of barely 6300 ..if I’m inaccurate that’s great .. two embarassments rather than one . may have been Shite v Widnes at Leigh .. can’t be arsed researching it tbh .. they’re like a fly on an elephants arse ..ps .. in all honesty I didn’y even know they were playing Sunday and don’t know who they’re playing ! :yahoo:

            cup winnerscup winners

              When all said and done Mike Danson saved us from oblivion. I didn’t see them queuing up over the duggy to take over bar the pop guy who was full of sh*t.

              It’s the first time since Whelan sold up I honestly feel abit secure in the knowledge someone genuine is in charge and the clubs in good hands.

              How long will it last ? your guess is as good as mine. Most lower League clubs live hand to mouth but right now we’re in a far better position than a lot of them.

              Don’t be surprised if a few clubs go bust this season. COVID will eventually catch up with a few and there’ll be no knight in shining armour.
              Were living in unprecedented fianatual times you only have to look at the Commonwealth games been called off in Oz to see what times we live in.


                The common wealth games is coming to an end has is the common wealth past its sell buy date
                Plenty of common wealth country’s now siding with Russia
                Time to move on and scrap it
                Australia in near future will be a Republic as will new Zealand and Canada
                Forget them and move on with that respect
                Any way up the tics


                  At the end of the day Danson is a business man and he has bought into a business.
                  He knows the only way of making money is for the Latics to get into the championship and to get the gold pig, the premier league.
                  The warriors have gone as far as they ever will, it will be his toy and give him an excuse to go out and buy a new suit now and again for a trip to Wembley or Old Trafford. That’s it!.
                  As for the bitterness of Latics fans against the peanut huggers it goes far beyond the childish comments of Lyndsey, so I don’t understand Mutty and others think that’s it??
                  Its the years of piss taking from the moronic fans over 30 years for some people. Laughing at crowds, results etc.
                  Bridges have been well and truly brunt for me and many others. Danson will struggle to unite the clubs in the next 20 years and beyond.
                  The stadium is too big for both clubs, but it can be utilised for other events especially through the summer.

                  From Matlock to ManU
                  What a journey!

                  cup winnerscup winners

                    Have to agree there’s a nasty undertone when you speak to rugby folk, tbh I don’t give a fcuk and don’t make comments/digs it always seem to be rugby fans having a dig which shows which side the jealousy comes from.
                    Now before someone says my last comment was a dig about their cup game at Leigh ? nope that was simply stating a fact a large part of their fanbase preferred Berkerly Sq over Leigh Village.

                    As for summer events ?, both our last 2 owners looked into this but there’s no summer break the stadium is used 12 months a year with only a fortnight between a rugby home summer fixtures which is cutting it fine.

                    Some fans are happy to watch both codes in not, I’m not interested in watching rugby but if you do fill yer boots.

                    As jrfatfan said and I have to totally agree, the rugby has reached the pinnacle of their sport and the prize does not meet the sports expectations, the fanbase isn’t there so like women’s football neither is the money.

                    Rugby League is a northern sport period therefore limiting who gives a fcuk about it. The whole of the sport is in huge debt and not even Sky can fix that.
                    Now compared that to been in the Prem and the gulf has never been as big between the 2 codes. I think this is what annoys the rugby, they cannot grow, we can


                    I wonder if the Chubbies will start buying their pie & pint in the DW stadium on matchdays; rather than boycotting it in favour of the bar at the Robin Park; as they have been doing. That alone shows what bitter and narrow minded in-breds they really are.

                    :whistle: :whistle: :whistle:


                      Yes jrtafan .. when I was a young bottle collector in Sacred Heart Club , Springfield , the ‘ act ‘ , fat fucker , sang ‘The Impossible Dream ‘ , and dedicated it to Latics’ attempt to establish themselves as a force in this town . and against Football in general .. no weightwatchers then , I was 14/15 years of age but couldn’t challange him .. TWAT .So FUCK OFF you shite followers .. boot on on the other foot now .so it defo goes back more than Lyndsays comments .already educating the young Tics about their antics .. :good: Yes CW , they’re the shitstirrers .. aggressive ones .. pursuing a lost cause , a non existent and boring sport.FINISHED !!!!!!!!!!!!!

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                    Forums Latics Crazy Forum Wait for the Meltdown