Wait for the Meltdown

Forums Latics Crazy Forum Wait for the Meltdown

  • This topic has 56 replies, 13 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by ItaliaItalia.
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  • #200335

      Couldn’t care either way, but that was how begbies explained it to me during admin.

      Legally the football club owned nothing. The same individual owned them all however.

      Makes sense business wise and allows you to move money around you may not be able to move around otherwise. As mutty says, from your left pocket to your right pocket.

      I mean, Newcastle don’t own LIV golf do they, but the same people own both.

      Is this the same Begbies who insisted that that club and stadium should remain together and not be split into separate assets ?

      The EggThe Egg

        Correct, because they knew they wouldn’t sell the club without the stadium so they combined them. Didn’t have to as they didn’t with Euxton or the chippy. If we didn’t have Christopher Park then they’d have never sold Euxton.

        Prior to that … They weren’t, they were two separate companies.

        Did Latics own JJB Sports or DW Sports? No, they were two different companies owned by the same individual.

        The EggThe Egg

          Danson may well create sporting club Wigan and sit all 3 as companies under that umbrella company. He could keep them ll separate. Time will tell.


            As we all know and it’s a way of life, we all go someday as will danson
            We could see problems in years to come if not sooner
            Way I see this and I don’t blame him I think danson got earache from certain people to better save the latics or the rugby could be out on the street
            I feel it was the stadium only that he is really interested in and was pushed with his back to the wall sort of thing
            And now he has it i fear we will come a cropper further down the line
            When something does happen to him
            We know that the rugby can’t sustain the up keep of the stadium alone especially has their crowds are on par if not lower than ours and play less games than we do due to their league only having a small number of clubs
            But concern with me is in the future when a buyer is needed to replace danson due to some sort of reason or another who ever buys the rugby might not want to buy us but will have the stadium I presume
            Unless we have it in writing the stadium is in contract with the latics then that’s another story
            But I think these rugby men will sort it their way and we end up in the shit
            Will be harder for us to find a buyer without the stadium as our asset
            Yes I am gratefull danson bought us and saved us but what was his agenda just to make sure rugby still had somewhere to play
            I don’t think it was really in his heart to do it for us hope I am wrong but I never trust these rugby men when it comes to the latics and never will

            cup winnerscup winners

              No one can predict were this is all going to end. By all accounts Danson is a very private person and rarely does interviews so we’re not going to get any kind of hint from him.
              The most important thing out of all of this is, Wigan Athletic is still alive. Grounds will come and go but the club once gone so has the name.

              What Danson has in mind is anyone’s guess but for now let’s all enjoy our survival. I honestly thought that was it and with little assets left we would be flushed down the pan like Bury.

              My personal opinion is, the ground tied to Wigan Athletic is far more sellable than owned by the rugby.
              There’s a far bigger market for football clubs than rugby. The prize money in the Premiership is the golden egg while the rugby prize money in their Premier League is pennies in comparison. The rugby are already at the top of their sport a sport that’s in huge debt.


                Correct, because they knew they wouldn’t sell the club without the stadium so they combined them. Didn’t have to as they didn’t with Euxton or the chippy. If we didn’t have Christopher Park then they’d have never sold Euxton.

                Prior to that … They weren’t, they were two separate companies.

                Did Latics own JJB Sports or DW Sports? No, they were two different companies owned by the same individual.

                The stadium has always been an asset of the football club hence the reason Begbies insisted the two were sold together.The two companies were set up purely to facilitate the administration and upkeep of the stadium. Like I say Egg ,you are clutching at straws.


                  As we all know and it’s a way of life, we all go someday as will danson
                  We could see problems in years to come if not sooner
                  Way I see this and I don’t blame him I think danson got earache from certain people to better save the latics or the rugby could be out on the street
                  I feel it was the stadium only that he is really interested in and was pushed with his back to the wall sort of thing
                  And now he has it i fear we will come a cropper further down the line
                  When something does happen to him
                  We know that the rugby can’t sustain the up keep of the stadium alone especially has their crowds are on par if not lower than ours and play less games than we do due to their league only having a small number of clubs
                  But concern with me is in the future when a buyer is needed to replace danson due to some sort of reason or another who ever buys the rugby might not want to buy us but will have the stadium I presume
                  Unless we have it in writing the stadium is in contract with the latics then that’s another story
                  But I think these rugby men will sort it their way and we end up in the shit
                  Will be harder for us to find a buyer without the stadium as our asset
                  Yes I am gratefull danson bought us and saved us but what was his agenda just to make sure rugby still had somewhere to play
                  I don’t think it was really in his heart to do it for us hope I am wrong but I never trust these rugby men when it comes to the latics and never will

                  Got a horrible feeling you are right Bicky. I did say at the time we need to look at the motives for Danson buying us. We will have to see how it pans out !


                  So if Mr Danson is a so called “rugby mon”, how come he followed Man Utd in his younger years; fact ! :-) :-) :-)

                  cup winnerscup winners

                    So are some on here implying that he bought the football so he could get hold of the ground to give to the rugby then sell the football club minus the ground ?.

                    Like I said he could have waited till we were in administration and bought the lot for a fraction of the cost.

                    I think that’s paranoia setting in due to the Bahraini Binmen and Hong Kong Choi’y.
                    It doesn’t matter who owns the stadium both codes have long leases to use it regardless of who owns it. I say we just go with the flow simply because it’s far better were we are than were we could have been. Stadiums are our last worry, staying in L1 if the most important thing.


                      I see your point cupwinners
                      But if he had waited until we had gone into admin or even liquidation it would have meant he would have to pay a fortune alone to keep the egg chasers going at the dw with the ten games at home a season in rugby league
                      Impossible to do I still say nandy and Co mitherd him plus lenegan to get the latics
                      Just to help fund the stadium and to keep a home for the rugby
                      Let’s wait and see I think we will be run with intention of staying where we are little or no ambition
                      With football money shifted to make the wurriors stronger
                      But hey what do I know hey

                      cup winnerscup winners

                        The Bahraini Binmen made sure we were car crashing for good till Danson stepped in and let’s face it, no one saw that one coming.

                        As a club we had no choice but he’s got the cash and he’s local so been honest it’s as good as it gets. Right now were just floating down the financial river of uncertainty with no paddle not sure which way we’re heading.

                        When I think back a few month ago I honestly thought in today’s current climate the Binmen had stitched us and no one would be crazy enough to clear the debts and take on a club going down -8 points.

                        Come on chaps regardless of who owns what right now we’re safe well for the moment. We all must stop with the “what if” sh1t and take it in our stride.

                        I personally think once we get a grip and the wage bill, gets these lot out who offer fcuk all on the pitch and budget we will have a chance

                        If I’ve said it once I’ve said it a million times, invest in the youth, buy – use – sell it’s the only way. We’ve 4 players at the club bleeding us and I wouldn’t care if they played but the don’t, get shut I say.

                        I’m sure Danson hasn’t got to were he is without been shrewd, clever and ruthless similar to Mr Whelan.

                        I’m grateful Danson took us on at the 11th hour so whatever happens to the ground so be it, I’m just happy were starting next season in L1 always remember

                        3rd time lucky


                          To say I thought the club was finished last May is beyond an understatement given the final few days before Danson took the reins.
                          It’s seems rather quiet now and no drama but the signs have been good so far with some contracts signed and a business as usual feel without the mad antics of the past few years.
                          I haven’t felt there is a hidden agenda other than a wealthy businessman with a slightly more long term objective for both clubs.
                          A few years consolidating in league 1 will do for starters and a build up of our youth policy and investment im the training facilities will do for me.
                          The ground and who owns it means nothing other than petty point scoring , FFS we would have been playing at Ashton Town had those clowns driven the club to the wall in May.
                          Move on and stop looking for hidden agendas and live for the moment and rejoice and celebrate we have a club that is still in existence and preparing for the new season in league 1.
                          I would have snapped both hands off for just that back in April.


                            I too am glad danson bought us don’t get me wrong
                            It’s just the thinking of it does my head in
                            For us or for stadium or for warriors
                            As the song goes two out of three ain’t bad
                            But which two
                            I still understand what you say cupwinners
                            But he had is back to a wall had to buy us to save his beloved rugby and made sure they had a place to play
                            It’s not that hard to grasp this realism is it
                            I’ll bet you he don’t give two flyers about our club in long run


                              There is more money to be had in football if you get it right and I agree with others , all he had to do was wait for admin and he would have grabbed ground for next to nothing.
                              It’s a reasonopportunity with joint ownership like Whelan had and a nice way to promote your core business and put something back in the process.
                              I think as a club we have had 100 years back luck in 3 years so a few years of mediocrity with steady progress won’t do the club any harm.


                                Vincent danson is a clever man how he made is money
                                He is not stupid why did he not buy us last time when we where in admin
                                And like I say if he had waited for us to go into admin or we had been liquidated that would have been bad for him to buy us
                                We most certainly would have vanished and with the rugby only playing so few games a season could not have kept the stadium going he needed us
                                Has probably nandy lenegan the council nagged him to buy us to save the stadium and made sure rugby would still be at the dw and have a rented home or something that way
                                I’m not a believer he bought us to save the football
                                He wanted the stadiumike his mate lenegan always wanted well now he has it

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                              Forums Latics Crazy Forum Wait for the Meltdown