Wigan Wasps Wigan Rovers Wigan Cycling Club East Stand

Forums Non Football Stuff Wigan Wasps Wigan Rovers Wigan Cycling Club East Stand

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  • #5827

      What p****s you off more, the eggs in general, their fans, or the thugby loving knobs on here?


      All of um especially The pr..ks that never gave a toss about us (even took the piss out of us) but now go watching us and have the audasity to tell me to”grow up” and “sort my life out”.
      Personaly i couldnt care less if the klumps won every trophy going (ok, maybe i would be p….d off). Just dont like these know nothings coming on here spouting shit like bury the hatchet and let bygones be bygones.
      I know realistically we need more fans but for me i would gladly drop down a division or two if it got rid of some of the idiots tagging along to see the big boys. ex rugby and man u pr..ks that boo after the first home game of the season.
      They wanted nowt do wiv us when we were shit, whats changed?


      Billy Buxton ?!?! :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

      Your all that obsessed you have to pretend you dont know who he is :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Your obesession with all things Wigan RL knows no bounds….your even dilluding yourself that you dont know who the towns most famous Sporting Icon is!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

      You would have to have lived under a rock for the past 50 years to not know who billy boston is in wigan…..then again most of you fools are from skem arent you!!

      Billy Buxton ?!?! :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

      Your all that obsessed you have to pretend you dont know who he is :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Your obesession with all things Wigan RL knows no bounds….your even dilluding yourself that you dont know who the towns most famous Sporting Icon is!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

      You would have to have lived under a rock for the past 50 years to not know who billy boston is in wigan…..then again most of you fools are from skem arent you!!

      now now tightarseprick play nicely,i know you eggy types hero worship that boston fellow and i can understand why – he always served a decent pint – but i beg to differ about him being the towns most famous sporting icon,if you ask 100% of the people in this country who this billy boston chap is/was less than a fraction of 1% would know.

      i am afraid that honour must go to the man you despise so much you even organised the ‘great pie boycott’ in his honour,
      he is an ex footballer who played at the very top-and i can guarantee that he is known far and wide in both this country and around the world as well,

      lets let everybody else in on this conundrum tightarse it is non other than David Whelan who along with WIGAN ATHLETIC FOOTBALL CLUB has put a small town in the northwest of england on the WORLD sporting map.
      not just the m62 corridor or east coast of australia like your beloved billy boy did.

        Your obesession with all things Wigan RL knows no bounds….!

        We are obsessed, wrong way round knob you’re the one on our site.
        Have you been looking for us for the last 5 weeks, were you missing us that much you had to search us out.
        You poor little obsessed penant clodding idiot.
        Anyway you’ve found us now, you’ve prooved your obsession so you might aswell f**k off back to the rest of the village idiots on your klump site.
        P**s off and shut the door behind you. Bye.

        thtyoneyearswafctrevor hoy

          Seems to wind folk up that mon

          wonder what happened to Fred Elliott :roll: :roll: :roll:

            Seems to wind folk up that mon

            wonder what happened to Fred Elliott :roll: :roll: :roll:

            Fred is visiting relatives in the States at the moment.

            Billy Buxton ?!?! :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

            Your all that obsessed you have to pretend you dont know who he is :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Your obesession with all things Wigan RL knows no bounds….your even dilluding yourself that you dont know who the towns most famous Sporting Icon is!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

            You would have to have lived under a rock for the past 50 years to not know who billy boston is in wigan…..then again most of you fools are from skem arent you!!

            No we’re not, in fact you dense twat there is a clue to my domicile in my name :roll:

            I’m not sure where you are from but the schools couldn’t have been very good judging by your punctuation and sentence structure

            80% of Wigan Athletic fans are from Wigan
            61% of Wigan Warriors fans are from Wigan

            so if anyone has got fans from Skem it is more likely to be Wigan Warriors

            On a Wigan Athletic matchday the bridge over the canal is clogged up. On a Wigan Rugby matchday, the roads are clogged up, the reason being that your fans drive to the games, ours walk it because they live in the area. Wigan Athletic do not bus in hundreds of Amateur League clubs in on matchdays from out of town to try and keep up with their neighbours, nor do they give a whole stand away to sponsors to avoid getting a sub 10k crowd

            Now get back to the third world board with all the other fat dinosaurs telling LIES about our football club because you can’t accept the truth, you’ve already been run off here twice with facts and reasoned argument, in fact you came out with a load of racist drivel last time if I recall :roll:

            Climb back under your rock, no doubt we’ll see you again in a month when the thread has disappeared :roll:

            The EggThe Egg

              why not be happy that now you are the towns big club (although as stated, both sides get around about the same home attendance)

              Where has this been stated?

              I reckon:

              Latics average 18,500, rugby average 14,500
              Average away support at Latics is 3,500 (from the programme)

              So even allowing for no away support at rugby, Latics still get more

              There are probably 2,000 away fans on average at rugby games (when you consider Saints bring 7-8,000) so there home support is around 12,000 versus 14 v 15k of ours.

              And their number includes around 1,500 a game who don’t actually turn up but they count anyway.

              Latics only count those in attendance, the rugby count the number of tickets they’ve sold, or more often given away – a whole stand in the case of one game last year

              You need to decide which side your on as if you’re going to come out with drivel like that then it’s clearly not ours. I’ve not seen anyone sticking up for Latics amongst the hatred filled liars and bullshitters over at RLfans.com.[/quote]

              I meant as stated by me in a previous post, and as someone who does indeed watch both clubs (and has since 1994) it isn’t as far from accurate as you say.

              Wigans last home game saw them face Warrington. Recently knocked out the cup by the same club and on Sky – the crowd was 13452 with approx 1600 Wire fans (given by the ticket office)

              Latics first game of the season, Bobby back, and after a massive win at Villa got 16661 with 4500 Wolves fans (maybe more) So yes there were more Latics fans but not many. The ground should have been bouncing.

              Wigan v Harlequins (ok they gave tickets to Heinz but they were paid for by Heinz at a discounted rate) attracted a crowd of over 14k with around 25 away fans. The same game last year (with no Heinz tickets) attracted a crowd of 11453 so thats 11400 ish Wigan fans. Look at the lesser Latics games such as Fulham when no away fans come and you’ll see it isn’t THAT different. Yes Latics get a few more but not by massive numbers.

              Lets be honest, that ground should be full EVERY week. Yes we have competition from other clubs and allegiances that will never die but the marketing dept should be doing more to fill the ground imo. Afterall RL is a minority sport and so low crowds are to be expected yes?

              Oh and you’ll regularly see me defend both Latics and this site on the RL Fans board ;)

              thtyoneyearswafctrevor hoy

                Really :roll: :roll: :roll:

                The EggThe Egg
                  Really :roll: :roll: :roll:


                  galacTICSanjay Shah

                    I thought they drove cos they were too fat to walk.

                    With ref to a previous post though, as much as I don’t agree with any of our stands or anything else at the DW having links to the chubsters, it’s not really the same as naming a stand at eastlands the eric cantona stand is it? That’d be like naming a stand at the DW after son no mark nobloter like nat lofthouse, which in my eyes is would be way worse.

                      Really :roll: :roll: :roll:

                      I can honestly say i know he does honestly defend wigan rl/ath on this board/ cherry and white and facebook!


                        Really :roll: :roll: :roll:

                        I can honestly say i know he does honestly defend wigan rl/ath on this board/ cherry and white and facebook![/quote]

                        This is a Latics board, if the eggs are slated then so be it.
                        No matter how long or how good a Latics fan you are, there should be NO praise or support for the fat vermin egg chuckers on here.
                        If you watch the eggs as well then that’s your problem, if you don’t like them being slagged off, tough, get over it, go and whinge about it on fatf***ersareus@wrlfc.co.uk

                        Never forget.

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                      Forums Non Football Stuff Wigan Wasps Wigan Rovers Wigan Cycling Club East Stand