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What a shame that all the Warriors players ( and their coach ) all seem to support United or City then like the proud Wiganers that they are :blush:
Not on C&W. Almost 72 hours have passed and still nobody has mentioned the latics. Just as they didnt mention them the week before either.As I keep saying – they really dont care!
bell end
I’m also pretty sure we were singing songs such as “que sera sera” “Is there a fire drill” “they’re every fucking where empty seats” and “I’m a believer” for most of the final 10 on Saturday.I heard 2 songs towards the end Egg. A brief “one team in Wigan” and “town is turning blue” Can’t say I was impressed with this but it is just a minority, it’s always pleasing to see so many people welcomed at WAFC games wearing the rugby colours and maybe one day this will be reciprocated at rugby games (when they’ve stopped singing “Take me home” perhaps)
So you found something on a minority site – well done, but even on that the majority wish you well!But the facts remain:
The frequenters of C&W do not give two hoots about WAFC. The lack of WAFC-related threads on there proves that. The posters above have had to trawl back almost two years to find anything on there.
Certain posters on here are obsessed with Wigan Warriors. The number of anti-rugby threads, posts and contributers proves this.
Accept it – you can shout “Wigan’s Turning Blue” all you want – it may well be. But the rugby fans really really really do not give a toss.
They may well have deleted some posts on RL Fans, they may not have done, neither me or you can prove or disprove that so we’ll call it a draw.
However,your view that rugby fans are not interested has proven to be bollocks as highlighted by the link to the thread so that’s 1-0 me.
Actually its about 12-0 me if you count all the times over the last 12 months I have challenged your drivel and you have done a runner choosing instead to respond to some of the more primitive posters.
By your own admission that site is a minority site, with a smaller cross section of fans and they have mentioned it so therefore it would attract a larger interest in a busier site, and they are well known for deleting any form of view which criticises Wigan Warriors, Rugby League or praises any other sport and especially Wigan Athletic.
Be grateful that over here in the free world that it’s not like that….
There’s a nice thread here on one of their less popular sites which starts off well meaning only for the usual bigots to get involved
Funny how it’s never been mentioned on the more popular site, maybe someone has been sat there deleting any mention of that other team stealing their thunder again, we know how tolerant they are of opinions which don’t tow the party line – must be hurting like hell over at Stalag RL Fans
sell out – a bit like a football fan who turns his back on his local football team in favour of a bigger club and then goes on that club’s website to try and point score against the fans of that club whilst looking like a completely hypocritical plum in the process
And so it starts again…Bit later than last season, but still guaranteed after a couple of bad results.
Where’s LMB and the the bloke with the jumping up and down Phil Collins avatar?
loudmouthblue has migrated to vital & is telling all & sundry how he supported Martinez to the hilt last season & this is how he gets repaid
this is the same loudmouthblue right? the embarassing hypocrit who has been calling for the managers head since titus bramble misplaced a backpass in bob’s 1st preseason friendly v st mirren only to go strangely quiet when he gets proved wrong again ??
So based on that very long winded theory, the DW will be packed to the rafters for soccer matches if tickets are either free or very very cheap.So based on your theory of it being a cost issue, we can look forward to a 20,000+ crowd for the visit of Bradford, when tickets are just £10 for adults and £5 for concessions. With it being half-term, you cant even use the “school night” excuse not to be there!
That would be depend on whether you are someone who knows something about football or whether you are an infantile cretin who is ignoring facts in a vain attempt to avoid looking even more stupid than you already are.
You were quoting the differential between two league crowds, no mention was made of any cup ties. I see now you’ve lost that one, you are attempting to change the subject.
If you are suggesting that a cup game against a team three leagues below featuring a virtual reserve team compares to a Premier League game then you really need to read up on your supposed subject matter. Oh well time to educate you again….
Carling Cup ties have been sparsely attended throughout football with many clubs suffering greatly reduced attendances
For example, Southampton, a Premier League team from a city 4 times the size of Wigan posted a sub 10,000 attendance in the last round, Sunderland had nearly 25,000 empty seats in an earlier round and even the current league champions had 20,000 empty seats in the last round despite offering tickets at discounted prices.
The conclusion again is that cup ties attract at best half the crowd of a league game, apart from a handful of globally supported mega football clubs who lock their fans into mandatory cup tie schemes.
You’re not very bright are you lord of the pies.
PS I’d expect you to accuse someone of being long winded seeing as you couldn’t manage a five line post without needing to use the edit button
I wasn’t talking about rugby I was explaining why one Wigan Athletic crowd was higher than the other one and using the town’s sporting team as a comparison.
I didn’t start the thread, I was merely helping out our intellectually challenged friend with his whale sized chip on his shoulder.
Either way, I won’t be losing much sleep over the opinion of someone who is quite proud to announce that he doesn’t go to games yet still feels compelled to put the effort in to slag the manager off on a website.
First the best supported team in Wigan taking on arguably the form team in the EPL.
Fulham – 19284 – approx 500 away fans. 18784 home fans
Everton – 18759 – approx 5000 away fans. 13759 home fans
Dress it up whatever way you want, but the FACT is the best part of 5000 home supporters went AWOL today.
Care to explain where they were Fatty?[/quote]
I think you know the answer to this one unless you are even more moronic than many people here give you credit for. The answer is COST.
£30 a ticket for adults for one game and £20 for kids which is only £6 less than and the cost of a ticket to watch an ENTIRE SEASON of rugby league coupled with a restrictive database system means that it is difficult in both terms of access and affordability.
I’m not sure what leafy suburb you live in but you should read the local news and try and understand the hardship that Wiganers are suffering. Wigan Athletic fans are generally working class folk and youngsters who live in the town and are getting hit hard. Wigan Athletic do not spend a fortune on reaching out to the middle classes in Cheshire by advertising in between Corrie to drag posh folk in from out of town.
The Fulham game was lower category and had a two for one offer meaning that £10-£15 for an adult ticket meant there was a much stronger home take up due to better affordability for our young and growing support.
This is basic economics which you seem sadly unable to grasp.
It seems en vogue for you and your rugby chums to sneer at Latics for “only getting 18k on versus Man United” yet no credit given for 22k versus Wolves, West Brom. The bottom line is Wigan Athletic fans turn up to watch Wigan Athletic not the opposition, as and when it is affordable to do so.
We are not the team in Wigan who get 12k against the lesser teams and then 10,000 more come crawling out of the woodwork when it’s Saints or Warrington.
If tickets were continually priced at under £20 I think you’d find that the home support would increase gradually in line with the price reduction. As it stands £30 a ticket is hard to find with the likes of JJB, Rathbones, remploy all making redundancies off the back of hundreds of public sector job cutsand therefore many Wiganers are restricted to picking and choosing and attending those Category C games or games with special ticket offers.
Now that wasn’t too difficult to follow was it??
Ian Leneghan has a very good reputation amongst Oxford United fans, as evidenced by the comments below that link. If he was to get involved with Wigan Athletic, I am sure he would operate the club arguably on an even better basis than Dave Whelan who constantly lets his other businesses overlap into Wigan Athletic.
For all the usual hysterical blather & conspiracy theories spawned out by the Under 5s on RL [waves at RL kindergarten] Leneghan is a shrewd businessman & would recognise that a football club has ten times the presence & potential of a rugby league club, even one in a lower division.
he would probably look to unify the clubs and create one sporting entity as there are clear benefits here for both clubs. It will be difficult though seeing as many rugby fans for some inexplicable reasons hate Wigan Athletic & will go out of their way to support anyone else, usually one of the glory clubs. if anyone can change the bigoted attitude towards the towns football club which the rugby clubs fans have,then Leneghan is probably that man. As a former fan of both, driven away from RL by the incessant bullying shown towards the rugby fraternity towards Latics,I for one would welcome thisBY “relatively cheap”, do you mean the same price that our lodgers payed for thier Cup final.
£22 for adults and £9 for kids is pretty damn cheap for a football game, which is the usual excuse trotted out for the lack of away following. Spurs on a Tuesday night £40+, and travel etc – I get it why only 100 turned up, but its Bolton on a Saturday afternoon at £22. Its about £3 on the bus or train, and its a massive game, then I’d have expected more than 1900 to pitch up – wasnt there 4,000 at Blackburn last season? Or maybe my expectations are too high.
I dont see what prices for the rugby have to do with only selling 1900 relatively cheap tickets for a huge fixture. Unless you are saying that people would rather not go to Bolton because they have a cheap ST for the rugby and would rather be there. I didnt realise the 10,000 or so fans that havent got their ticket for the Bolton game were all ST holders for the Warriors!
Maybe the Egg (as a supporter of both clubs) will be along soon to tell us where he is spending his Saturday?[/quote]
I think you’ll find that being bottom of the league has something to do with it as well. This should be obvious to you as a rugby fan seeing as when Wigan RLFC were bottom of the league there were struggling to get 3,000 on AT HOME most weekends.
Your post bears no resemblence whatsoever to mine,it is purely an exercise in name calling because you cannot accept my point of view.
It’s not about who’s right or who is better – I am simply putting forward an opinion as to what is better for Wigan Athletic.
To keep it simple so that you dont end up going completely off track, I’ll just ask you one question:
What constructive benefit do Wigan Athletic get from people like you coming on here and continually slagging the manager off?
About the same benefit as we get from you sticking up for him.[/quote]
I am not a frequent poster on here. Like many others, I was a regular at one stage but got tired of reading the same old drivel day after day from bedroom football managers seeking to discredit Wigan Athletic at very turn.I don’t stick up for him, I stick up for the club.If he’s sacked tomorrow I’ll back the next man.You’ll probably still be moaning if there’s no improvement.I didnt get into watching Wigan Athletic to demand success, I got into them because they are my local team & they need my support.
I am a mere fan of 30+ years who supports his team. I do not pretend to know what goes on behind closed doors or start crackpot theories about our “clueless clown” of a manager. I very much doubt he has time to read this website but if he does then do you really think he looks & thinks “you know what they’ve got a point there, maybe i should play 442 or make a different substitution, all those coaching badges, all those years playing professional football & clearly i know nothing compared to the many experts on cockney latic who spend all day calling me a clown or a spanish waiter & have an in depth knowledge of tactics,how football transfers work,training regimes & contract negotiations.”
Have you any idea how ridiculous you look?
What is the point in it all? It benefits noone, it’s waste of effort, unless youre getting some kind of inner smugness from it as the opening poster implies & are attention seeking ‘ooh look at me i was right all along’ & revelling in the demise of Wigan Athletic.
Your post bears no resemblence whatsoever to mine,it is purely an exercise in name calling because you cannot accept my point of view.
It’s not about who’s right or who is better – I am simply putting forward an opinion as to what is better for Wigan Athletic.
To keep it simple so that you dont end up going completely off track, I’ll just ask you one question:
What constructive benefit do Wigan Athletic get from people like you coming on here and continually slagging the manager off?